Philosophical and Pedagogical Explorations of John Amos Komensky and Gregory Skovoroda: Sense and Vocation Recalling of the Education


  • Maria Kultaieva H. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University



philosophical pedagogics, Comenius, Skoworoda, didactic, way of the light, freedom, school,, informal education, emendation of the world


The article considers diversities and converges moments of the philosophical and pedagogical views of J.A. Comenius and G. S. Skoworoda and their under­standing of sense and vocation of the education. The fiction of their philosophi­cal dialog is showing the importance of the external and internal freedom for the spiritual development of human. The main attention is focused on the ontological and anthropological characteristics, which was formed in the European tradition during XVII–XVIII centuries, especially to the idea of the improvement of the world. The practices of the Skovoroda’s non- formal and informal education (in comparison with the “Great Didactic”) are developed as a rule not in the space of the school, but in the space of the life world accordingly to the post-secular tendencies. They represents also the critic of the early appearances of the half-education, which as the consequence of the dominance of the official religious for­mal education were coming into being in the urban space of the European culture. The institutional changes of the educational systems, which are taking place in the post-secular transformations of the modern societies, can be better understand by reinterpretation of philosophical and pedagogical classical works of early Moder­nity, that gained experience to combine secular senses with the theological ideas. Philosophical pedagogic as well of Comenius, so else of Skoworoda had showed hybrid and synthetic forms of their later post-secular application in the educational practices.

Author Biography

Maria Kultaieva, H. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

Doctor of philosophical sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Chief of philosophy department;

 President of the Ukrainian Philosophy of Education Society, Translator of contemporary foreign philosophers’ books into Ukrainian (U.Beck, W.Welsch, H.Gadamer, J.Habermas, H.Jonas, R.Rorty etc.).


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How to Cite

Kultaieva, M. (2017). Philosophical and Pedagogical Explorations of John Amos Komensky and Gregory Skovoroda: Sense and Vocation Recalling of the Education. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 21(2), 169–193.






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