Academic integrity as a challenge, demand and will: contexts of philosophical anthropology, ethics and philosophy of education




academic integrity, will to academic integrity, academic dialogue, academic writing, science, scientific creativity, scientist, philosopher, philosophical anthropology, ethics, philosophy of education, methodology, meta-anthropology, meta-anthropological potentialism


Academic integrity in education and science is understood as an ability that translates from possible into actual justice in the relations of students, teachers and scientists, their respect for their own dignity and the dignity of colleagues, as well as a focus on sincere creativity and co-creation. Academic integrity is the ability to maintain and develop the reputation of a conscientious, tolerant and creative professional who does not envy the talent of colleagues and does not appropriate their achievements. In the article, academic integrity appears not only as a demand and a challenge, but also as a will. In the coordinates of the methodology of meta-anthropology, it is proven that at the level of the will to self-preservation and procreation, as well as at the level of the will to power, any virtue, including academic and conditional, moreover, its deformations and distortions are possible. Only under the influence of the will to knowledge and creativity of the finite being of a person, which is supplemented by the will to co-creation in the meta-boundary being, academic integrity acquires an unconditional character and naturalness. It has been proven that true academic integrity is impossible without true academic dialogue, without it it turns into a simulacrum. The heuristic meaning of the concept “will to academic integrity” is substantiated. The will to academic integrity is an important component of the will to scientific novelty and actualizes academic writing that has heuristic achievements, is free from plagiarism, does not amount to compilation and is not a fabrication. As an example of the action of such a will in the academic community, the Kyiv anthropological school is presented in its development in the directions of existential anthropology and metaanthropology. The role of academic integrity in conditions of war and peace is shown.

Author Biography

Nazip Khamitov, Institute of Philosophy named after H. S. Skovoroda of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of philosophical sciences, professor, leading researcher; corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; President of the International Association of Philosophical Art.  Field of scientific interests: philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture, meta-anthropology, philosophical psychoanalysis, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of education.


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How to Cite

Khamitov, N. (2024). Academic integrity as a challenge, demand and will: contexts of philosophical anthropology, ethics and philosophy of education. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 29(2), 27–47.






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