Philosophical and educational reflections of ancient Greek peripatetics

Part 1. Clearchus of Soli, Hieronymus of Rhodes and Aristo of Keos




ancient philosophy of education, ancient Greek peripatetics, students of Aristotle, paideia, history of philosophy of education


The article proposes an examination and academic translation into Ukrainian of a series of works by ancient Greek thinkers-peripatetics, which reveal the problems of education and upbringing. In the center of attention, in particular, there are fragments of the works of such philosophers as Clearchus of Soli, Hieronymus of Rhodes and Aristo of Keos.

It is revealed that on the basis of the surviving fragments of the work “On Education”, Clearchus of Sol focuses attention on the history of education and emphasizes the importance of the persistence of philosophical reflection in non-Greek thinkers, while not diminishing the importance of the achievements of the Egyptians, Hindus and Persians in the history of human thinking. For the Peripatetic, it was important to show that education was important not only for Greek society, but also for other states of the ancient world.The thinker notes the importance of the aesthetic in education (music, singing), thereby opposing the sophists and continuing the arguments not only of Aristotle, but also of Plato and the Pythagoreans. Also, in the heritage of this peripatetic can be seen as a criticism of the education system of the conical school, which is aimed at taking not the best, but the worst of the way of life of dogs.

It is proved that two fragments of the work of Hieronymus of Rhodes “On the upbringing of children” reflect the transformation of the role of teachers in Ancient Greece from supervision to instruction and education and the growing interest directly in “liberal” education, which should correspond to the development of future citizens.

It is substantiated that in the surviving fragment of Aristo of Keos there is an idea on the importance of providing the right education from the first steps of the child, since it is then that it is possible to properly educate him, instilling the best virtues in both the individual and social aspects of life.

Author Biography

Vitalii Turenko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Scinces in Philosophy, Researcher


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How to Cite

Turenko, V. (2023). Philosophical and educational reflections of ancient Greek peripatetics: Part 1. Clearchus of Soli, Hieronymus of Rhodes and Aristo of Keos. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 29(1), 299–311.






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