Trentowsky Society for Philosophical Pedagogy

Society for Philosophical Pedagogy

Society for Philosophical Pedagogy named by Bronislaw F. Trentowsky (TPF) was founded in 2006. It was registered in 2007 under the KRS (0000288665).

It currently has 75 members from Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Germany. The Society was founded in Lodz, where its current chairman, Professor Slawomir Sztobryn continues the traditions of philosophical pedagogy started at the University of Lodz by famous scholar Sergei Hessen.

From 2012 TPF is co-founder and an institutional member of the Central European Philosophy of Education Society (CEUPES) based in Prague.

Society has a web portal at The journal "Pedagogika Filozoficzna on-line" and the books published by the newly established Scientific Publishers TPF "Chowanna" are placed on the news portal. Thanks to it two series of paper-based books were published: the first one entitled "Philosophical Pedagogy" includes six volumes, and the second - "Educational Reality" consists of three volumes.

The main areas of activity of the Society are:

  1. Inspiring, organizing and promoting research and exchange in the field of philosophy of education.
  2. The organization of conferences, training, seminars for integration of scientific socities operating in the philosophy of education.
  3. The support of TPF portal and publications of the Society.
  4. Integration of scientific centres interested in the development of philosophy of education in Poland and abroad.