Education as a calling and way of life: Interview with Doctor Pádraig Hogan. October 19 – December 17, 2021




education, educational experience, communication of teacher and students, educational hermeneutics, educational traditions


This paper presents an interview with Pádraig Hogan – a prominent Irish educator and researcher in the field of pedagogy, well-known in the European Union and beyond it. This interview is an echo of discussions at an International Conference – The 9th Congress of the Philosophy of Education Society of Poland “Education and the State” on September 24-26 2001 in Krakow, organized by the Institute of Pedagogy at the Jagiellonian University, the B. F. Trentowsky Society of Philosophical Pedagogy, the Polish Philosophical Society and other authorities. Pádraig Hogan opened this Congress with a report “Uncovering Education as a Practice in its Own Right”. Pádraig Hogan is a Professor-Emeritus of the National University of Ireland Maynooth. He has a keen research interest in the quality of educational experience and in what makes learning environments conducive to fruitful learning. Now he is an active participant in several international scientific-educational researches. For a long period (from 2003) he was leader of the research and development programme ‘Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century’ (TL21), a schools-university initiative. His books include The Custody and Courtship of Experience: Western Education in Philosophical Perspective (1995); The New Significance of Learning: Imagination’s Heartwork (2010); Towards a better Future: A Review of the Irish School System (co-authored with J. Coolahan, S. Drudy, Á. Hyland and S. McGuinness, 2017). To date he has published over 130 research items, including books, journal articles, book chapters and commissioned pieces. This interview give answers on the questions about topicality of personal education, issues of educational experience, cognitive and emotional aspects of the communication of teacher and students, perspectives and limits of educational hermeneutics and the best maintenance of educational traditions.

Author Biographies

Pádraig Hogan, National University of Ireland Maynooth

Philosophy Doctor, Professor-Emeritus

Mykhailo Boichenko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theoretic and Practical Philosophy;

leading researcher of the Department of Interaction between Universities and Society, Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine


Abstract views: 382



How to Cite

Hogan, P., & Boichenko, M. (2022). Education as a calling and way of life: Interview with Doctor Pádraig Hogan. October 19 – December 17, 2021. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 27(2), 257–265.






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