Implementation of the Third Mission of the University: case of Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences




Third Mission of the University, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, universities, communitie, UNICOM project


On the example of the activities of the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule des Mittelstands Bielefeld – FHM Bielefeld, Germany) as a key par­ticipant in the UNICOM project, the modern university’s implementation of its Third Mission – its fulfillment of its public purpose and observance of public responsibility – is considered. A comparative analysis of the four missions of a modern university was carried out, thanks to which the necessary relationship between them was re­vealed as an integral prerequisite for the successful functioning and development of a modern university. A modern university implements its Third Mission primar­ily in close interaction with communities and industrial communities – both local (primarily) and quite distant (additionally). At the same time, the university must find a balance between meeting the needs of different social groups, guided both by the principles of social responsibility and the interests of the university and these groups. FHM’s training concept is to be close to practice and compact in the transfer of knowledge. This concept is based on four essential characteristics: application-oriented, profiling, interdisciplinarity and internationalization. Four main organi­zations in the structure of FHM Bielefeld enforce the active networking of people, with the motivation and expertise to enable groundbreaking projects and solutions aimed to strengthen the innovation ecosystem of the city. Applied research and third mission are conceptualized in the steps of preconditions, activities, results and con­sequences. The third mission includes the implementation of a cooperation project with a civil society actor or the implementation of a continuing education program designed together with a company. The close interaction of universities with local communities is primarily aimed at ensuring the interests of university stakeholders from local civil society and should be based on academic virtues and values.

Author Biographies

Rulf Jürgen Treidel, Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (Bielefeld)

Professor for Management in Tourism as an honorary professor, Doctor of Science in History, Magister Artium (University of Hanover). He is an academic Leader of various Projects on Sustainability at Fachhochschule des Mittelstands / Research Unit. Also he is an Academic Leader of the UNICOM Project / Bielefeld division. 1997 – сompletion of the doctoral process at the History Department of the University of Hamburg with the grade “magna cum laude”. Topic of the dissertation: “Evangelical academies in post-war Germany. Sociopolitical commitment in church public responsibility”. Also he is in Freelance tourism project development and Business management training for medium-sized tour operators. Research interests: Research and Projects in Sustainable Tourism, European Regional History, Contemporary Church History.

Mykhailo Boichenko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor, Senior Researcher, Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Practical Philosophy; leading researcher of the Depart­ment of Interaction between Universities and Society, Institute of Higher Educa­tion of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. 2012 – doctoral dissertation “Value and functional aspects of the application of the systemic ap­proach in social cognition (philosophical conceptualization)” (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv). Research interests: social philosophy as a methodology of social cognition, philosophy of neo-institutionalism, philosophy of education, philosophy of politics.


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How to Cite

Treidel, R. J., & Boichenko, M. (2024). Implementation of the Third Mission of the University: case of Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 30(1), 136–160.






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