Calling of education: challenges and achievements of independence




education, independence, calling, vocation, challenges, academic freedom


Education is a broad way to the individual, collective and societal success and independence: it consists of pedagogical efforts, learning and upbringing. All these components are united in educational communication that revealed personal vocation to some job and future profession, on the one hand, and spiritual strategic calling of life. The vocation itself is a challenge for the individual, local community and for the state, because it often requires the effort of all forces and the full revealing of one’s creative potential – to get a good citizen and successful member of community. At the same time, it is through the implementation of his or her vocation that the individual receives the resources and abilities giving him or her the strength and ability to respond to numerous external challenges. To give a proper answer for these challenges personality should find own core, reveals oneself and choose priority values. To get some benefits from job as a vocation it is necessary to find your calling in life – its main, strategic purpose, its intrinsic meaning: our calling gives us goals and our vocation gives us means to achieve these goals. Friedrich Nietzsche called for a genuine academic freedom as only honorable aim for student and researcher and gave a radical critique for the university bureaucracy and academic officialism. Such systematic and total criticism, not as nihilism, but as a component of the systematic search for an authentic vocation and sacred calling, is taught by education, and best of all, by academic education. Independence is not a gift or a trophy, it is a state of searching for one's own authenticity and a sense of pleasure in the struggle for it. Therefore, independence can and should be both personal and common – because human is always no less a social being in unity with others than in gaining his or her own autonomy through others.

Author Biography

Mykhailo Boichenko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theoretic and Practical Philosophy; leading researcher of the Department of Interaction between Universities and Society, Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Boichenko, M. (2021). Calling of education: challenges and achievements of independence. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 27(1), 24–41.






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