Structuring Bioethics Education: Building Bioethical Potential, Experience, Practice




Bioethicist, Bioethical Potential, Bioethics Interdisciplinary Programmes, Integrative Platform of Bioethics


The article is divided into the following main blocks: initiatives of bioethics` capacity building; practices and experiences in the bioethicist`s work. The article aims to investigate the structuring possibilities of bioethical education, and the model of integrative bioethics is seen in this context as a promising device/tool. The figure-scheme, created by the author, shows 2 bioethics' growth lines - educational, as a formal (institutional) line and societal, as informal (cultural) one. In describing the lines, the author has identified the main aspects of influence: the cultural aspect (a); the political aspect (c); the humanistic aspect / human capital (c). In the educational (formal) sphere the following areas of activity were described - school, education, interdisciplinary programs in bioethics. In societal (informal) - experience of participation of community organizations in the creation of projects and grant activities of bioethicists. Hereof the following blocks were discussed - Bioethicist as an activist; Role of bioethicist as a translator, agent of change. Education through bioethics and public discussion of bioethical issues is what can be called a «circle of integrity». Bioethics education prepares community members to deal with ethically challenging issues by providing them with the skills to address ethical challenges in the everyday routine of one community.

Bioethics capacity building was reviewed through the creation of a professional network of bioethics experts and their educational programmes - the Integrative Platform of Bioethics (InPlatBio). A network of bioethicists and stakeholders provides a learning-friendly environment. Both - networks and the development of links with different informal organisations and associations are important for essential communicative skills. The use of online courses, webinars is a modern source of information on the development of bioethics in Ukraine as well as in European countries.

Author Biography

Hanna Hubenko, Medical Institute of Sumy State University

Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health; The Founder&Head of «Bioethics» NGO


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Abstract views: 248



How to Cite

Hubenko, H. (2021). Structuring Bioethics Education: Building Bioethical Potential, Experience, Practice. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 26(2), 109–120.






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