Bioethical Debate, Reflections and Standards. Urban Bioethics spotlight

(overview of the International conference «The 21st Rijeka Days of Bioethics. Urban Bioethics: From Smart to Living Cities. Bioethical Debate, Reflections and Standards», Rijeka, Croatia, 17 – 18 May 2019)


  • Hanna Hubenko Sumy State University



urban bioethics, InplatBio - Integrative bioethics platform, inclusion, integration and transdisciplinarity, deliberative democracy


The process of creation of a new direction in bioethics - urban - is extremely important in the global world.  Ukraine, as a post-socialist country, is a perspective field for urban researches. On the one side, it has a bright, specific culture, and on the other, the “invisible” citizens, whose voices remain unheard during the transformational modern conversions.  Participation in the conference on May 17-18, in Rijeka, is an opportunity to study the experience of different countries, different economic systems, etc.  to increase attention and understanding of the cultural and value context on the example of the particular urban cases.  The analysis of the conference does not pretend to enlighten the contents of the conference comprehensively, but rather to highlight the own impression of participation and to encourage discourse in the field of new bioethics direction.

Author Biography

Hanna Hubenko, Sumy State University

Ph.D., Associate  Professor of the Department of Public Health of the Medical Institute;
The Founder&Head of “Bioethics” NGO


Abstract views: 674



How to Cite

Hubenko, H. (2019). Bioethical Debate, Reflections and Standards. Urban Bioethics spotlight: (overview of the International conference «The 21st Rijeka Days of Bioethics. Urban Bioethics: From Smart to Living Cities. Bioethical Debate, Reflections and Standards», Rijeka, Croatia, 17 – 18 May 2019). Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 24(1), 271–275.



Academic Life



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