Cognitive Foundations for Educational Strategies




cognitive foundations, educational strategies, postnonclassical type pf scientific rationality, nonlinear science


New Age connected education with science, which is understood as a rational project. Science of New Age is principally public. Connected with it the ideal of objective truth claims the rational description of scientific methods. Historical transformation of ideals and types of rationality changed also the educational strategies of New Age. Foundations of such strategies are the foundations of scientific cognition: ideals and norms of scientific research, scientific world picture and philosophical foundations of science. 

Traditions are extremely strong in education, but critique of them and understanding, that education must be changed, proclaim themselves very soundly today, particularly in jubilee report by Club of Rome “Come on!” For members and supporters of Ukrainian Synergetic Society, the ideas, expressed in report of Club of Rome, are consonant to their synergetic imaginations about complex self-organizing world and to view on modern stage of development of science as on postnonclassical one. Methodological principles of postnonclassical science are contrast to reductionism, postnonclassical world picture is based on dialectic ideas of becoming and wholeness, postnonclassical type of rationality approves objectiveness of knowledge by taking into account the human values of researchers.

Specificity of objects of postnonclassical science is brunching of nonlinear dynamics of self-organizing systems. It needs to elaborate in education process the certain cognitive orientations. Partially such orientations were formulated in methodological principles of nonlinear thinking, which orient to be ready for emergence of a new whole as a result o self-organization.

Current nonlinear scientific world picture considers the processes of self-organization of all levels of world's structure organization as condition of its existence. Understanding of such processes requires the elaboration of evolutionistic holistic worldview. Of course, learning of modern nonlinear theories can't be the task of common education. It is important, that readiness to favorable reception of evolution and holistic ideas is elaborated in process of such education.

Author Biography

Iryna Dobronravova, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

Dr habil. in Philosophy, Professor, Chair of Philosophy and Methodology of Science;  President of Ukrainian Synergetic Society, member of Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science(Vienna, Austria)


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How to Cite

Dobronravova, I. (2018). Cognitive Foundations for Educational Strategies. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 23(2), 134–145.






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