Models of Educational Philosophy in International Forms of Education management. Specificity of the Continental European Educational and Scientific System


  • Viktor Zinchenko Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine


In today’s world there is diversification of different models of higher education. At the same time, the multiplicity and the diversity of higher education models do not exclude their identity. Internationalization and integration of institutions of higher education in a global and international dimension raise many new questions for the theory and practice. Among them the author emphasizes the most important ones: what is the general and the particular in education and science; what patterns, forms, methods of management are universal and which are in the range of the specific conditions of different countries; what is the best way to realize the functions of education and science in the international activity; what are the features of national identity in education and in the development of the University as an institution of education, and also in organizational behavior, management systems; to what extent these features are important to achieve the desired results; how can foreigners quickly adapt to national environment. All these problems are extremely important and interesting, still waiting for their reply. At the same time multi-modeling education systems do not exclude their common problems: the necessity of permanent adaptation of educational programs to current needs of society, the increased requirements to the level and quality of education. The modernization of social, economic and political development and the potential of anthropological and psychological structure of the personality in values and normative dimension of the contemporary globalized societies of the world; reformation strategies in society, education and management, their globalization and the processes of institutionalization and perspectives of humanization of educational systems, management, upbringing are analyzed in the given article. It is noted that among the existing conditions and prerequisites the existence of developed civil society is necessary for the successful formation and functioning of educational systems and effective models of multi-level educational management.

Thus, we can conclude that the strategy of development of the modern world social philosophy of upbringing and education is one of the key issues in the field of social management and philosophy, pedagogy, global social development. The way of organization and functioning of civil society in present-day and future to a great extent depends on what exactly do we mean by upbringing, education and science, or which paradigm of upbringing and education is dominant at the given social and historical stage. The continuity of public education, quality management, their intensity can only be achieved under two conditions of a fundamental character. One of them is use of new, theoretically grounded and practically proven management, philosophically developed, and available technically secured high technology of social work, education and training, learning. The second one is the perfect mastery of human in the methodology of self-socio-axiological and research activities. The established structure shall provide the same conditions for equitable selection of civil, educational, scientific and educational actions, excluding coercion and domination.

Author Biography

Viktor Zinchenko, Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of philosophical sciences, Principal research scientist


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How to Cite

Zinchenko, V. (2015). Models of Educational Philosophy in International Forms of Education management. Specificity of the Continental European Educational and Scientific System. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 17(2), 153–181. Retrieved from






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