The neoliberal model of global development, critical social philosophy of education and the world system perspective of democratic institutionalization. Part one. The neoliberal model of global development and its consequences as world problems of an educ


  • Viktor Zinchenko


global constitutionalism, neoliberalism, democracy education, online university, institute network, commercialization of education, science, public sector, higher education, market-based approach, the critical social philosophy of education, pedagogy of the oppressed, critical consciousness, civil society


The article deals with the processes of the modern world system of education in the context of globalization. The author examines trends in educational institutions and models of globalizing society in the context of particular relationships of education and society, man and the state, and processes. The research and systems analysis of neoliberal reforms on the level of society in general and education in particular is done. The author discovers substantive, structural and functional characteristics of the concept of «critical social
philosophy of education» in the context of institutional tendencies of social life, as well as forms and possibilities of its methodological application. The author underlines that globalization and the technological revolution are to be used for a radical restructuring and reconstruction of education for his service to democracy and progressive social change. Awareness lessons of the global development are necessary for the theoretical understanding of today’s global outlook on progressive politics in general and in education in particular, and for the practical attempts to change our world for the public majority.


Abstract views: 391



How to Cite

Zinchenko, V. (2013). The neoliberal model of global development, critical social philosophy of education and the world system perspective of democratic institutionalization. Part one. The neoliberal model of global development and its consequences as world problems of an educ. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 13(2). Retrieved from






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