«The Philosophical Suicide» of the Last Soviet Scholars of Humanities


  • Viktor Andrushchenko


theory of Marxism-Leninism, the Soviet scholars of humanities, «philosophical suicide», the theory of developed socialism, Kyiv philosophy school, «escape of Ukrainian scholars of humanities from Marxist ideology»


The some features of the moral atmosphere that was in the 70’s and 80’s of the last century in the Ukrainian society are analyzed in the paper through the prism of the Marxism-Leninism theory, which was performed by Soviet humanitarians. The author shows the internal drama and ambiguity of this situation. The Soviet scholars of humanities have created the theory of developed socialism, which became their devastating «philosophical suicide», but not for all of them. In the country there were actually two philosophies: 1) official one, based on the «most advanced» theory, methodology, and worldview — Marxism-Leninism in its addition by ideological positions of «decision makers»; 2) research one, which tried, on the one hand, to find out the actual (rather than ideological) sense of Marxism, but, on the other hand, — to go beyond its borders, to show up and understand the new  philosophical problems of contemporary scientific cognition and social practice. The main attention is paid to the presentation of the theoretical heritage of Kyiv philosophy school representatives and its influence on the formation of a new generation of Soviet philosophers. The main theoretical directions of «escape of Ukrainian scholars of humanities from Marxist ideology» are determined.


Abstract views: 471



How to Cite

Andrushchenko, V. (2012). «The Philosophical Suicide» of the Last Soviet Scholars of Humanities. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 11(1-2). Retrieved from https://philosopheducation.com/index.php/philed/article/view/377






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