The Educational Origins of Nigeria’s Development Challenges




curriculum, development, education, examination malpractice, Nigeria


It cannot be over-emphasized, the consensual outlook among scholars that education is the bedrock of development of any society. However a careful examination of the present status quo of Nigeria’s education is replete with countless issues and challenges that have the capacity to compromise the role education plays in national development. Such challenges as insufficient quality of curriculum, policy making and implementation, imperfect certification and lack of competence are typical to the Nigeria`s educational system. In general, there is a gap in the Nigerian education system between the formulation of educational policy and its implementation, which has resulted in the low performance of Nigerian education in recent times. These challenges are some of the fundamental pointers to the plummet in the country’s educational system, hence their solution need to be properly prepared to be able to contribute to the overall human development. As a result, this research explores the potential of the method of philosophical analysis to establish, contrary to popular opinion that Nigeria remains underdeveloped not because of the experience of colonization, imperialism and exploitation of her resources, but through the miscarriage of her educational system. The moral decadence in Nigeria institutions comes many forms, but this article discusses only five of them: examination malpractice, drug abuse, cultism, sexual harassment and grade sorting. Another problem bedeviling Nigeria educational system at all level is strike. This study thereby takes another approach to disinter how the educational system in contemporary Nigeria has waned consequent to the circumvention of proper learning and proper assessment of knowledge.

Author Biographies

Benson Peter Irabor, University of Lagos, Lagos State

Doctoral Research Student, Department of Philosophy

Andrew Onwudinjo, University of Lagos, Lagos State

Doctoral Research Student, Department of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Irabor, B. P., & Onwudinjo, A. (2022). The Educational Origins of Nigeria’s Development Challenges. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 28(1), 197–211.






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