Perennial-progressivism—P2: an avant-garde cross breed philosophy of education for the 21st century


  • Eugene Victoriano De Guzman College of Arts and Science (CAS) Mindoro State University – Bongabong Campus (Philippines)



Perennialism, Progressivism, Philosophy, Education, Status Quo


Essentially, philosophies of education in education and the education per se have a pragmatic significance in socio-political life of it subject. Philosophies of education are not solely appointed to provide theories or to set principles in education but also destined to advance practices following the realities and needs of life particularly in society – the common denominator of Philosophy of education is to train good citizen and human beings. It is to say that one of the essential features of philosophy of education is to keep education in track in the rapid pace of flux of time by being flexible, responsive, and sensitive to the various concern and issue of a particular status quo. Philosophy of education is understood as a critical view that goes as deep as its roots about everything that happens. 21st century is being characterized as the ‘disinformation’ or ‘fake’ news era due to the negative consequence of the social media and the environment where the learner’s dwells, on the same manner ecological issue become a serious issue. Thus, 21st century education should attend to the progress and demand [concern] of the time. Pondering on a two prominent Philosophy of education viz. Perennialism and Progressivism, this article aims to find out and divulge an effective methodology and principle on education that cater a response to the demand of the status quo by breeding the above-mentioned philosophy of education. The breed of Philosophy of education will be called Perennial-Progressivism with acronym P2. These philosophies of education would not that be effective if it will be used in isolated instances – use a particular philosophy of education on a certain context due to contextual gap of the notions and the context. Likewise, there are shortcomings that a particular philosophy of education possesses which on the other hand is in the demand of the context. However, a combination or a mix breed of at least two philosophies of education that has been scrutinized and made it relevant to the needs and demand of the context would be an effective one given such considerations.

Author Biography

Eugene Victoriano De Guzman, College of Arts and Science (CAS) Mindoro State University – Bongabong Campus (Philippines)

Graduate Philosophy Student, College of Liberal Arts, Department of Philosophy, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines; College Instructor I


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How to Cite

De Guzman, E. V. (2023). Perennial-progressivism—P2: an avant-garde cross breed philosophy of education for the 21st century. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 28(2), 214–229.






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