Nomadism as a Way of Thinking and Educational Strategy. Part 3. Epistemological position.


  • Lyudmila Gorbunova


education, nomadism, transversality, way of thinking, educational strategy


The analysis of the processes of an information society’s becoming proves that nomadism should be considered as one of the leading directions of the radical transformation
of education. Since stability becomes an unachievable goal, the changes themselves represent the only real working model. It is not enough just to think or think differently. Now we have to constantly rethink ideas and discard them. There is a problem: while acquiring a special plastic and transversality of thinking, an ability of switching from one gestalt to another, how not to lose the integrity of worldview, a willingness to control the situation of one’s being in the world, the ability to analyze and predict the risk of danger, possibility of being not only a tactician of own life but a strategist as well. Can education teach how to adapt to changeability and uncertainty, and at the same time overcome them on their level of autonomous subjectivity? The principles of transcendental empiricism, developed by Deleuze, we consider as a possible methodology for solving these problems and clarifying the new strategic orientations of education.


Abstract views: 690



How to Cite

Gorbunova, L. (2011). Nomadism as a Way of Thinking and Educational Strategy. Part 3. Epistemological position. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 10(1-2). Retrieved from






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