Synergetics in Education: Possibilities of Methodology (Round Table in journal edition «Philosophy of Education»)


  • Lyudmila Gorbunova


Discussion that has taken place during the round table has outlined the potential offered by synergetic methodology for education and philosophy of education. One of the outlined perspectives is understanding the education as becoming or self-organization of a person. This approach determines the elaboration of the concrete methods based on a synergetic knowledge. These methods transform an educational process organized from the outside in a process of self-organization.
Various models of education have been discussed: classical, "treelike, model, and alternative, «rhizomatic» one which features the synergetic elements. To develop a rhizomatic model a project of three synergetic moduses has been offered: «synergetics for education*, «synergetics in education* and «syn-ergetics of education*. In this sense different synergetic educational practices that are widely used in Russian and Ukrainian educational institutions have been considered.
To sum up, the synergetics cannot yet answer all the problems of education since it is itself as a scientific paradigm is in process of formation. But it already helps to develop and define educational strategies and offers effective educational technologies. At the same time the synergetics with its prognostic potential calls us to be even more responsible for pedagogical experiments.и


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How to Cite

Gorbunova, L. (2006). Synergetics in Education: Possibilities of Methodology (Round Table in journal edition «Philosophy of Education»). Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 5(3). Retrieved from






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