Chaos versus Order as a Controversy of Thinking in the Crisis Culture. Part I


  • Lyudmila Gorbunova


Civilization has started the release from the key determinations of the former social order and has been braking through the distraction of socio-cultural integrity to other logic of self-development at the end of XIX — beg. of XXI century. Culture is under crisis at this stage of transition. Growing uncertainty, instability, chaos transform the human beings' mentality, their world perception and way of thinking. Human being does not have a feeling of an owner and creator of life. Confidence in the present and future is replaced by the feeling of weakness and confusion. How can education help in self-realization and self-assertion of a person within the chaos of culture? What kind of thinking could be effective for a person wishing to be not only tactician, but also a strategist of the personal life?
The historically-philosophical examples are used as an approach to the search of rationality and poetical thinking as alternative ways of thinking.


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How to Cite

Gorbunova, L. (2005). Chaos versus Order as a Controversy of Thinking in the Crisis Culture. Part I. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 2(2). Retrieved from






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