Philosophy of Education: on the Issue of Conceptualization




philosophy of education, personality type, postclassicism, comparativism, praxeology, intetentions ahead, modern scientific thinking, fundamental scienc, fundamentalization of education


Philosophy of education functions as systematic socio-cultural phenomenon combining methodology, science, values, national/European/world pedagogical traditions. Philosophy of education is characterized by complex of theories (ideas), scientific, cultural, values, moral and ethical principles determining not only the meaning / content of education and training, but also a certain type of personality. Worldview-philosophical analysis emphasizes the planetary-cosmic dimension of human existence and the planetary-cosmic personality type (anthropic principle; man-microcosm as a reflection of the macrocosm-universe). World relations in the coordinates of culture, man-made (western) and traditionalist (eastern), identifies personality types: individualistic (West), collectivist (East). The article reveals the compatibility of ideas, theories, approaches (philosophical anthropology and ontology, subjective, cultural, comparative, communicative, praxeological), according to the priorities of the post-neoclassical. On this basis, the expediency of the theoretical and methodological tools of the philosophy of education as a synergistic of interaction of basic life-value concepts (man-science-culture-art-style of thinking) and goal-setting - the formation of the subject of culture. The subject of culture is formed in certain society (pluralism of political, economic, legal, educational, religious systems), environment of immanent values, moral and ethical precepts, customs, beliefs, spiritual traditions. The spiritual and value bases of the existence of the European person as a subject of culture determine the space of the Judeo-Christian tradition and technogenic (Western) civilization. For a person as a subject of culture of the eastern (traditionalist) area, the spiritual and value basis is Confucianism and Taoism (China), Confucianism and Buddhism (Japan). The activity of the subject of culture in particular is realized in planetary space. Comparative analysis of West-East communication actualizes trans-scientific intentions of philosophy of education. The praxeological directions of strategic social changes in Ukraine are singled out: fundamental turn to science and education; modernization of science-intensive technical-technological-production processes; financing of innovations (investments, business) at the level of leading universities.

Author Biography

Svitlana Cherepanova, Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv

Doctor of philosophical sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Pedagogy


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How to Cite

Cherepanova, S. (2022). Philosophy of Education: on the Issue of Conceptualization. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 27(2), 116–137.






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