Art within philosophy of education. Part 2




philosophy of education, the subject of culture, postneclassic, digital technologies, Media -Art, simulacrum, inter-subjective communication


Modern reformation-educational processes are influenced by digital technologies, electronic communications networks, media-art practices, etc. Hence we get the actuality of creative potential of art for pedagogical activity as the concept of philosophy of education. Human consciousness inherents organic interdependence theoretically-cognitive (knowledge, ideas, comprehension of the boundary principles of human existence, culture, procedure of philosophical reflection) and social-psychological (feelings, will) elements. Author’s perennial experience incorporates interactive forms of artistic knowledge activation of pedagogical specialties students: preparations and guided tours by students (museums, architecture of Lviv, etc.), developing skills to conduct dialogues about art and education of the countries which languages are taught in pedagogical institution (Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain). In accordance personal and pedagogical experience of intersubjective communication, existential and cultural self-determination is enriched. In the system of philosophy of education, art is designed to harmonize human existence, to balance the sensory-emotional and rational-intellectual spheres of consciousness. The spread of electronic media requires a thorough study of their impact on humans, given the cognitive problems of communication technologies, information and computer systems, digitalization. A variety of artistic phenomena form a holistic system. Moreover, beliefs are knowledge that has passed through the world of feelings and human will. An open humanitarian space, new dialogical, communicative, cultural opportunities for interaction of nature-man-culture-society-universe, the universal nature of self-organization of human life, education of intersubjective cultural communication between carriers of different types of worldview, values, spiritual traditions is methodologically important.

Author Biography

Svitlana Cherepanova, Lviv Ivan Franko National University

Doctor of philosophical sciences, professor, Chair of Primary and Preschool Education


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How to Cite

Cherepanova, S. (2021). Art within philosophy of education. Part 2. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 26(2), 90–99.






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