Education for Sustainable Development: Towards a Concept and Methodology




education for sustainable development, key competences, competencies for sustainable development, global civic education, transformative learning, “New Enlightenment”, integrative thinking, transversal thinking, holism


The context of global transformations related to overcoming systemic crises and contradictions and the transition of mankind to a new way of civilizational development requires the development of a policy of sustainable development of society and relevant transformative strategies for the development of education, which are already specified within of projects and programs of international organizations (UN, UNESCO, UNESCO, UNESCO, EC) as a list of key competences (“21st century key competences”, “transversal competences”, “transcultural competences” , “competence of sustainable development” and the like). According to an analysis of the educational competencies offered to national societies, integrated into specific systems and clusters, almost all of them relate to the processes of formation and transformation of individuals as integral subjects of knowledge and action within the framework of communicative strategies for sustainable development and formation of global civil society.

On the agenda are the tasks of research and integration into the Ukrainian educational policy and the practice of teaching new concepts and theories research and integration into Ukrainian educational policy and practice of teaching new concepts and theories as worldviews and methodological opportunities for updating the content, forms and methods of education and upbringing of Ukrainian youth as members of global civil society, as citizens of sustainable development in a relentless and inclusive environment internationalization of social life.

The article, based on the anniversary report of the Club of Rome in accordance with the proposed policy of the “New Enlightenment”, with reference to the documents of the UN and UNESCO, the works of eminent scientists and specialists in the development of education, considers the international concept of education for sustainable development as the basis for modern educational policy at the national, regional and institutional levels, as a key tool for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals,  discuss  the basic principles of integrative thinking as transversal, important aspects of the future education system, key inter-disciplinary  competencies, key educational approaches  with a focus on transformative learning.

Author Biography

Lyudmyla Gorbunova, Institute of Higher Education, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of philosophical sciences (hab.), Leading researcher;
Editor-in-Chief of Journal «Filosofiâ osvity. Philosophy of Education»,
Vice-president of the Ukrainian Society of Philosophy of Education


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How to Cite

Gorbunova, L. (2019). Education for Sustainable Development: Towards a Concept and Methodology. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 24(1), 52–78.






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