Postgraduate Pedagogical Education: an Extensive Modernization and / or Innovative Strategy?


  • Viktor Dovbnya


postgraduate pedagogical education, continuing education, idea of lifelong education, extensive modernization, innovative conception, synergetic methodology, state education policy, new type of teacher


The article deals with problematic and context features of functioning of institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education in the context of globalization challenges. An evaluation of the situation as problematic actualizes the need to introduce ideas of innovative development of postgraduate education in the current discourse of the pedagogical community. In the situation of need for a radical change in public opinion about the pedagogue's image of XXI century, the methodological significance and importance of the development of a new teacher's type in postgraduate educational institutions is revealed, overcoming the inertia scenario. However, the intense search of a path between the development
of postgraduate education based on extensive, inertial paradigm, on the one hand, and on innovative paradigm as a new mastering of modern theoretical and scientific knowledge and technology — on the other, doesn’t "cancel" neither the practicality of pedagogues' training in the postgraduate period nor the theoretical reflection regarding the methodological paradigm of continuing education. In this regard, the author offers to take synergetic methodology as a basis for the innovative conception that activates an educational potential. New approaches to the strategy of the state educational policy on the reformation of the institutions of postgraduate education are determined.

Author Biography

Viktor Dovbnya

Science degree, Doctor of Philosophy, Academic rank. Assistant professor. Professor, Department of Social Sciences and the teaching methods of the Chernihiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education named KD Ushinskogo.


Abstract views: 356



How to Cite

Dovbnya, V. (2014). Postgraduate Pedagogical Education: an Extensive Modernization and / or Innovative Strategy?. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 15(2). Retrieved from






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