Subjectivity as a fundamental concept of modern philosophy of education




subject, object, subjectivity, teacher and student, humanistic teacher, subject-subject interaction, philosophy of dialogue, meta-anthropology


The article is devoted to revealing the core significance of the con­cept of subjectivity in the modern philosophy of education. The focus on the ac­tualisation of the problem of subjectivity is combined with the awareness of its existential multidimensionality and collision, which has different manifestations in totalitarian, authoritarian and democratic societies. In the semantic field of philosophical anthropology as meta-anthropology (N. Khamitov), the author of the article reveals the philosophical and pedagogical context of the subject-sub­ject interaction between teacher and student. As a result, the concept of the “New Ukrainian School” is understood as a paradigm of education of the present and the future, which generates a strategy of free, dignified and effective human self-realisation. The goal and condition of Ukraine’s civilisational progress is a per­son, their dignified self-realisation, which implies physical, mental and spiritual growth of the individual. It is substantiated that the new paradigm of education as a subject-subject communicative interaction “Human – Human”, co-creation of a teacher and a student, bases the foundations of the civilisational subjectivity of Ukraine. In the difficult conditions of the existential Russian-Ukrainian war, which is a real challenge to human nature, there is a tangle of problems between the con­cept of life and the concept of subjectivity. The development of an openly tolerant, communicative model of “Human – Human” on the basis of meta-anthropology as a theory of everyday, borderline and meta-borderline human existence opens the way to the implementation of the value consolidation of the Ukrainian society. On this path, the philosophy of education is increasingly becoming a philosophy of humanity, a desire for co-creation and co-action. The subject-subject interac­tion “Human – Human” is the basis of the metaphysical and cosmic process of life, which implies human freedom and independence of Ukraine.

Author Biography

Viktor Dovbnya, K. D. Ushynskyi Chernihiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work. Research interests: philosophical anthropology, meta-anthropology, history of philosophy, epistemology, philosophy of education


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How to Cite

Dovbnya, V. (2024). Subjectivity as a fundamental concept of modern philosophy of education. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 30(1), 204–220.






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