Українському щастю бути
Рецензія на Збірник матеріалів Третьої міжнародної конференції «Щастя та сучасне суспільство» (Львів, Український інститут щастя, 2022)
DOI:Ключові слова:
щастя, міждисциплінарні дослідження, свобода, етика чеснот, економіка щастя, щастяорієнтований підхідАнотація
Представлено огляд основних напрямів роботи Третьої міжнародної наукової конференції «Щастя та сучасне суспільство», проведеної в Україні 20 березня 2022 р. в період війни з росією. Проаналізовано ідеї, опубліковані в Матеріалах конференції, які є перспективними для подальшого опрацювання з метою сприяння національно-культурному та економічному зростанню України. Проілюстровано ефективність щастяорієнтованого підходу в міждисциплінарних дослідженнях.
Arden, J. (2022). Searching for Happiness in the Wrong Places. Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 28–34.
Baker, J. (2022). Virtue Ethics Behind Rights. Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 38–43.
Boichenko, N. (2022). Ethics in the Time of Global Disasters. [In Ukrainian]. Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 56–58.
Boichenko, M. (2022). Battle for Happiness: Ukraine Against Russia [In Ukrainian]. Pro¬ceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 59–62.
Golyash, I. (2022). The War and Happiness: Socio-Economic Aspects. [In Ukrainian]. Pro¬ceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 86–94.
Happiness And Contemporary Society : Conference Proceedings Volume (Lviv, March, 20–21, 2020). (2020). Lviv: SPOLOM.
Happiness And Contemporary Society : Conference Proceedings Volume (Lviv, March, 19–20, 2021). (2021). Lviv: SPOLOM.
Haybron, D. (2022). Measuring Happiness and the Good Life. Interview by Uli¬ana Lushch-Purii. Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 95–99.
Kanashvili, T. (2022). Relationship Between Education and Happiness. Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 109–110.
Lianov, L. (2022). Positive Psychology for Mental Wellbeing during Turbulent Times. Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 126–129.
Liashenko, O. (2022). Unsecurity Happiness Is a Way to Happiness. [In Ukrainian]. Proceed¬ings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary So¬ciety”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 130–133.
Lushch-Purii, U. (2022) The Ukrainian Happiness: The Ukrainian Context of Homo Eu¬daimonicus Anthropological Model. Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 134–136.
Maksymenko, S. (2022). Theoretical-Methodological and Psychogenetic Problems of Civi¬lizational Confrontations: Information-Energy Paradigm. [In Ukrainian]. Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 137–139.
McKay, F. (2022). Ethical Dispossession and the Science of Happiness. Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 140–141.
Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. (2022). Lviv: SPOLOM.
Purii, R. (2022). Happiness-Oriented Economy of Ukraine of Post-War Period. [In Ukrainian]. Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 167–170.
Romanets, Z. (2022). Reflections on Capacities of Mastering Oneself: Psychological In¬struments of Self-Regulation. [In Ukrainian]. Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 177–184.
Rosell, S. (2022). Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 185–188.
Shuvalov, O. (2022). Neuropsychological Mechanisms of Mindfulness as a Method of Awareness Development. [In Ukrainian]. Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 209–215.
Volodarska, N. (2022). Methods of Observation of Senses of Personality as Fundamentals of Promotion of its Positive Psychological Health. [In Ukrainian]. Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”, March, 20, 2022. Lviv: SPOLOM, 233–237.
Завантажень: 263
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