Pedagogy of freedom in axiological dimensions of education




“freedom-prohibition”, “natural-social”, educational models, axiosphere of education, humanistic concept of personality


Philosophy and education have been closely interconnected since ancient times in their focus on nurturing the best human traits. Philosophy appeared not only as a science of the general principles and values of being and cognition, but also as a practice in the upbringing of virtues. The concept of “freedom” is given a central place in the humanistic concept of the personality. It is considered as the main condition for its existence and self-development. The degree of internal freedom was often considered in science as a criterion for the level of personal development. Pedagogy appears as the practice and theory of directing the efforts of the teacher and the student to improve the person during the educational process. From the point of view of the social process, the function of education as paideia is to prepare the individual for full participation in the life of his society. The purpose of the article of this article is a worldview of understanding and description of the main features of the pedagogy of freedom, in axiological dimensions. To achieve the set goal, a review of the most famous and influential concepts in the philosophy of education, such as the critical pedagogy of Paolo Freire, the humanistic psychology of Erich Fromm and Viktor Frankl, the educational models of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Maria Montessori, as well as their rethinking by modern Ukrainian researchers, was conducted. The modern scientific concept of the development of pedagogy of freedom has theoretical and practical significance for the justification of the modern development strategy of both the axiosphere of the educational space and society as a whole. Since a meaningful aspect of the value system is the conceptualization of freedom, the axiological dimensions of this phenomenon have a future, provided that the observer and the observed have a future.

Author Biographies

Karim El Guessab, Zaporizhzhia National University

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Public Administration and Social Work, Ukraine. From 2021 to the present, acting Head of the Center for Educational Services for Foreigners and Stateless Persons of ZNU. Research field: social philosophy and philosophy of history, phenomenology, logic, cultural studies of the Arab-Muslim East.

Volodymyr Bilokopytov, Zaporizhzhia National University

PhD student of the Department of Philosophy, Pub­lic Administration and Social Work. Research field: social philosophy and philosophy of history, conceptology, migration processes, issues of freedom of will.

Ruslan Rudomotov, Zaporizhzhia National University

PhD student of the Department of Philosophy, Public Administration and Social Work. Research field: social philosophy and philosophy of history, axiology, pedagogy, education


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How to Cite

El Guessab, K., Bilokopytov, V., & Rudomotov, R. (2025). Pedagogy of freedom in axiological dimensions of education. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 30(2), 28–42.






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