Humanistic Principle of the Modern Philosophy of Education


  • V. Pazenok


The principle of humanism takes the leading place in the methodological system of the Modern Philosophy of Education. The purpose of education is to form responsible and conscientious personality able to create the world of authentic human existence, to overcome the situation of crises and absurd, which has become more acute and threatening at the threshold of the XX-XXI st centuries. The new pedagogical paradigm elaborated by UNESCO («Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century: Vision and Action») makes the pedagogical society to realize that humanization of education is a pressing need of the time. The article shows the dialectics of comprehension of the growing importance of the humanistic values and the necessity to adequately modernize the educational standards and programes. The phenomenon of «neohumanizm» is characterized in the context of evolution of the classical philosophical and pedagogical humanistic. It is based on innovative comprehension of the human subjectivity enriched by the newest achievements of philosophical and natural anthropology. Special accent is made on importance of the moral and ethical component of humanistic. Morals are the bases for the pedagogical theory and practice, and this is a central concept of the article.


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How to Cite

Pazenok, V. (2005). Humanistic Principle of the Modern Philosophy of Education. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 1(1). Retrieved from






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