Education and Politics in a Globalized World


  • Victoria Shamrai H. S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of NAS of Ukraine



world crisis, interests, values, real-politician, vocation education


The article shows the influence of the global crisis on the content and mode of existence of contemporary education. This is not about tracking various effects of impact, and a new request that brings the world to the global education system. Integrative content of crisis is defined through the "battle" of values ​​and interests in the contemporary socio-cultural space, resulting the primacy of the interests and the destruction values ​​factor. An expression of this was the expansion of interest in  the sphere of the proper. In order to detect this vulnerability replacement analyzed the classic principles of real politics. Substantiates the thesis that in "depreciation values" in modern education there is a new fundamental vocation. It is playing a valuable part of life and ensuring the proper effect and space in contemporary culture.

Author Biography

Victoria Shamrai, H. S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of NAS of Ukraine

candidate of philosophical sciences, senior researcher of social philosophy department of  H. S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of NAS of Ukraine.


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Abstract views: 588



How to Cite

Shamrai, V. (2016). Education and Politics in a Globalized World. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 19(2), 75–87.






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