Public intellectual as an educational project


  • Victoria Shamrai H. S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of NAS of Ukraine



crisis of democracy, interests, common good, deliberative democracy, discourse, public intellectual


The article reveals the role of education in ensuring the existence of a contemporary democratic system. Democratic governance is viewed through the prism of the crisis of representative democracy that arises in global world. The focus of the crisis forms a crisis of citizen participation in democratic governance. Among the various scenarios for overcoming this crisis, the emphasis is on a model of deliberative (“discussing”) democracy. Accordingly, a key role in the productive functioning of contemporary democracy belongs to public discourse. Public discourse has an internal contradiction. Its participants are guided by their own interests, but the productivity of the discourse is achieved only if it is subject to the requirements of the common good. Five criteria of the authenticity of the discourse that make it aimed at the common good are highlighted. The medium of discourse that ensures its authenticity is a public intellectual. It is proved that the main vocation of education in the contemporary democratic system is the production of a public intellectual as an effective social character. In this process, a key role belongs to humanitarian education, respectively organized.

Author Biography

Victoria Shamrai, H. S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of NAS of Ukraine

candidate of philosophical sciences, senior researcher of social philosophy department


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Abstract views: 613



How to Cite

Shamrai, V. (2020). Public intellectual as an educational project. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 25(2), 224–239.






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