Philosophical and Historical Vision of Educational Researches

Review of the scientific monograph: Kudláčová B., Rajský A. (red.) et al. (2019) Education and “Pädagogik”. Philosophical and Historical Reflections (Central, Southern and Southern-Eastern Europe), Berlin, Peter Lang; Bratislava, Veda


  • Iryna Yershova-Babenko International Humanitarian University (Odesa)



continental pedagogy, philosophy of education, philosophy, education, history, reflection, educational sciences


The article provides an analytical review of the monograph “Education and “Pädagogik”: Philosophical and Historical Reflections (Central, Southern and Southeast Europe)” edited by Slovak professors B. Kudláčová and A. Rajský. This collective monograph is the result of the creative collaboration of 26 scientists from 13 countries on the initiative of CEUPES. To determine the identity of contemporary continental pedagogy the conceptualization of contemporary educational  sciences is carried out by analyzing concepts and systematizing historical experience in the field of education in various European countries. The monograph consists of two chapters. In the first chapter the status and content of the philosophy of education, the relationship of pedagogy with the educational sciences, specific philosophical and educational problems are examined, the influence of philosophy on education and pedagogy is determined. In the second chapter the development of continental pedagogy as a scientific and academic discipline in its regional and historical aspects is analyzed. A unique empirical educational experience in a number of European countries is amenable of explication and scientific reflection. It is shown that the scientific dialogue in the given monograph has acquired the status of a transcultural discourse in which various cultural and educational traditions are analyzed from the complementarity point of view, and on the basis of an interdisciplinary dialogue between pedagogy and philosophy.

Author Biography

Iryna Yershova-Babenko, International Humanitarian University (Odesa)

Doctor of philosophical sciences, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Professor of Art Studies and Humanities Departments


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Kudláčová B., Rajský А. (2019a) Conclusion. In: Kudláčová B., Rajský A. (red.) et al. Education and “Pädagogik”. Philosophical and Historical Reflections (Central, Southern and Southern-Eastern Europe), Berlin: Peter Lang; Bratislava: Veda, 307-308.

Kudláčová B., Rajský А. (2019b) Introduction. In: Kudláčová B., Rajský A. (red.) et al. Education and “Pädagogik”. Philosophical and Historical Reflections (Central, Southern and Southern-Eastern Europe), Berlin: Peter Lang; Bratislava: Veda, 13-20.

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Miovska-Spaseva S. (2019) Pädagogik between Tradition and Modernity: The Case of Macedonia. In: Kudláčová B., Rajský A. (red.) et al. Education and “Pädagogik”. Philosophical and Historical Reflections (Central, Southern and Southern-Eastern Europe), Berlin: Peter Lang; Bratislava: Veda, 265-277.

Predborska I. (2019) Transgression as the Key Concept of Continental Pädagogik: Reflections on the Ukrainian Experience. In: Kudláčová B., Rajský A. (red.) et al. Education and “Pädagogik”. Philosophical and Historical Reflections (Central, Southern and Southern-Eastern Europe), Berlin: Peter Lang; Bratislava: Veda,125-135.

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Rajský A. (2019) Uncomfortable Philosophy. Protection of Pädagogik from Itself? In: Kudláčová B., Rajský A. (red.) et al. Education and “Pädagogik”. Philosophical and Historical Reflections (Central, Southern and Southern-Eastern Europe), Berlin: Peter Lang; Bratislava: Veda, 84-103.

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How to Cite

Yershova-Babenko, I. (2019). Philosophical and Historical Vision of Educational Researches: Review of the scientific monograph: Kudláčová B., Rajský A. (red.) et al. (2019) Education and “Pädagogik”. Philosophical and Historical Reflections (Central, Southern and Southern-Eastern Europe), Berlin, Peter Lang; Bratislava, Veda. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 24(1), 248–257.






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