Knowledge Management in Modern Democracies and the Issue of Truth


  • Panos Eliopoulos University of Peloponnese



truth, democracy, politics, citizen, knowledge management, pragmatism


This paper explores the issue of knowledge management in modern Democracies, along with the demands posed by the truth problem. While a singular concept of truth can neither be epistemically safe, thus becoming flexible for partial or subjective demonstrations of its authentic or ideal value, nor applicable for every society, it can still take the form of a critical consensus, based on two new principles that are introduced here. The continuity of such a consensus that lies beyond the manipulation of an un-ethical rhetoric or demagogy can safeguard the existence of the Polis, without having to cease espousing typical logic syllogisms as well as the moral qualities that are essential for a meaningful way of social and political life. If not conducive to the collective good, the search for truth remains futile in the practical level of making people’s lives better and of enhancing their common bonds.

Author Biography

Panos Eliopoulos, University of Peloponnese

PhD, Professor, University of Peloponnese, Greece.


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How to Cite

Eliopoulos, P. (2016). Knowledge Management in Modern Democracies and the Issue of Truth. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 19(2), 6–14.






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