Cognitive Networks: Interactivity, Intersubjectivity, and Synergy


  • Helena Knyazeva National Research University Higher School of Economics



autonomy, mirror neurons, intersubjectivity, cognitive networks, cognitive niches, participatory sense-making, network structures, complexity, empathy, enactivism


Some properties of cognitive networks are discussed in the article in the context of the modern achievements of the network science. It is the study in network structures and their surprising properties that gives a new impetus to the development of the theory of complex systems (synergetics). The analysis of cognitive processes from the point of view of the network structures that arise in them not only fits with such concepts already existing in cognitive science and epistemology, as cognitive niches, cognitive maps, cognitive coherence, etc.), but also brings some new aspects to the understanding of interactivity, intersubjectivity, synergy in cognition and creative activities, empathy.

Author Biography

Helena Knyazeva, National Research University Higher School of Economics

 Doctor habil. in Philosophy, Professor of the School of Philosophy of the Faculty for Humanities at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia.


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How to Cite

Knyazeva, H. (2017). Cognitive Networks: Interactivity, Intersubjectivity, and Synergy. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 20(1), 52–78.






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