Лі Бенніх-Бьоркман


Li Bennich-Björkman Professor, b. 1960 (female).

Department of Government University of Uppsala
Box 514 751 20 Uppsala Sweden

Telephone: (work): +46 18 471 34 56

Telephone: (mobile): +46 (0)70 167 9504

EMail: Li.Bennich-Björkman@statsvet.uu.se

ORCID: 0000-0002-6760-8649


  • 2021-2024 Head of Department of Government, Uppsala University Sweden
  • 2010-2016 Research Director, Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies (UCRS) present Institute of Russian and Eurasian Studies (IRES)
  • 2009- Chair of the Johan Skytte Prize Committee (“Nobel Prize in Political Science”) (www.skytteprize.com)
  • 2008- Johan Skytte Professor in Eloquence and Political Science, University of Uppsala, Sweden.
  • 2007-2008 Full professor in Political Science, University of Uppsala, Sweden.
  • Senior Lecturer Political Science, University of Uppsala, 2000-2007.
  • Assistant Professor, Political Science, University of Uppsala, 1993-1999.

Other Positions and Employments

  • Columnist, (op-eds), Upsala Nya Tidning (UNT), Major liberal newspaper, 2003-
  • Editorial journalist, Upsala Nya Tidning, 1987-1990 (part- and fulltime)
  • Various employments, shops, cafés, and restaurants, 1974-1986iverse anställningar
  • Candidate for municipal and parliament for the Liberal Party, 1985, 1988
  • Freelance columnist in Upsala Nya Tidning 2002-2022 (selection): "Belarus chooses the safe card", "Måste man älska en områdesnämnd?" "Will Sweden follow the Danish example?", "The integration inquiry: Seeking a researcher, finding a preacher", "Among power players and oligarchs", "Class society with ethnic overtones", "Why do schools have such a bad reputation?". "Is the Estonian democracy stable?", "The new Estonia divided again", "Brave new post-communist world", "Has Ukraine missed its chance", "Is the EU's eastern enlargement a done deal?" "The bureaucratic world view", "Eva Lundgren and the government's responsibility" "The Sweden Democrats: The real winners of the election" "When the good state is conspicuous by its absence" "How can you explain good action?", "Report from a research factory", "A social revolution in silence", "Will Sweden get a feminist party?", "Europe between Brussels and Moscow", "Are authorities still needed?" (www.unt.se/ledare)

Visiting Scholar (selection)

  • London School of Economics and Politics (LSE), UK, Nov.1992: Host: Brendan O´Leary.
  • University of California, Berkeley, USA, Center for Studies in Higher Education, Jan-July 1995, Host: Sheldon Rothblatt.
  • Luiss Free University, Rome, Italy, May 1998.
  • Swedish Collegium for the Advanced Study in the Social Sciences (SCASSS), Uppsala, Sweden, Sept-December 1999.
  • University of Hyderabad, India, Jan.2007.
  • Stanford University, Freeman Spogli Institute, USA, Maj 2008, Nov,2009.
  • Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (IERES), George Washington University, USA, May 2012, Host: Henry Hale,
  • Åbo Akademi, mars 2014, Host: Kimmo Grönlund..
  • Quality of Government Institute (QoG), University of Gothenburg, Sept 2014, Host: Bo Rothstein.
  • Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Study (HCAS),Helsingfors, Finland. Jan-July 2016.
  • Institut for Osteuropeischer Geschiscte, Vienna, September 2018, Host: Fredrik Stöcker.
  • Academy of Social Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia, November 2018, Host: Nona
  • Stanford University, Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences (CASBS), November 2019, Host: Professor Margaret Levi.
  • Polish Institute of Advanced Study (Piast), October 2020-July 2021 (cancelled because of the pandemic).

Invited speaker (selection):

  • School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), University College of London, UK, March 2003.
  • University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, Department of Political Science, October 2004.
  • Tallinn University, Estonia, Department of Political Science, Dec. 2006.
  • National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine, September, 2007
  • Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine, September 2007.
  • “A State the Liberates?”, Hyderabad University, India, January 2007.
  • “Human Rights and Minorities in Sweden” Hyderabad University, India, January 2007.
  • ”The Problems of Implementation of Western Practices in Ukrainian Higher Education”, Kyiv, Ukraine, April 2008.
  • “The Principle of Parliamentarism”, The Parliament of Lithuania, 4 Nov. 2008.
  • New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria,, Nov, 2008, Sept.2009.
  • Tallinn University, Center for Cultural Studies, Nov. 2008.
  • “The Benefits of Academic Freedom”. Moldavian Academy of Sciences, Chisenau, Moldova, March 2010
  • The Experiences of Ukrainian Internationalization of Higher Education” University of Toronto, Munck Center, April 2010 (with Sergey Kurbatov),
  • “Collegial Rule as a Particularity of Academia”. Brest State University, Belarus, Nov 2010
  • Quality of Government Institute (QoG), Göteborgs universitet, September 2014.
  • “Crossroads: Sweden and Estonia Comparedt” Södertörns University College, (keynote), Sept 2014.
  • “Existential Resistance and Transition to Pluralism in Soviet West”, Finnish Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Åbo Academy, Finland (keynote), March 2015.
  • “Research, Academic Freedom, and Creativity: An Interactive Graduate Workshop”, Åbo Academy, March, 2015.
  • “Are Universities Under Attack?”Social Sciences Faculty, Helsinki University, May 2016.
  • ”Europe with a View to the Future”, European Forum, European Solidarity Center, Gdansk, Poland, May 2016.
  • “Academic Freedom – Key to Scientific Creativity But Under Severe Attack”, National Law University, Odessa, Ukraine Sept.2016.
  • “Academic Freedom – Key to Scientific Creativity But Under Severe Attack”, Kyiv, Ukraine, September 2016.
  • “”Mourn a life, live another ”, Translation- and writer´s center Visby, Gutland, 18 october 2016.
  • ”Mourn a life, live another”, Aktionstage, Vienna, 28 Nov 2016.
  • “Re-thinking Existence and Resistance”, 7th Soviet and post-Soviet Symposia, Vilnius University, Institute of History, 2 Dec. 2016.
  • “Just do it! Reforming Away Corruption in Georgia and Estonia”, Tartu University, Estonia, 28 feb. 2017.
  • “Existential Resistance and the Transition” University of Wroclaw, Poland, 8 March 2017.
  • “Being a Refugee, Becoming an Immigrant. Bosnian Experiences in Perspective”, University of Vienna, 20th September 2018.
  • “Why Academic Freedom Matters”, TEDx talk, University of Luxemburg, 26th of October 2018.
  • “Reflections on the Developments in Ukraine”, National Economic University of Ukraine, October 2019
  • “Post-Soviet Politics: An alternative order, a ”system””, Kyiv Economic University, April 2021 (Online).
  • “Vetenskapliga framsteg kräver akademisk frihet” (Scientific Progess Needs Academic Freedom” Honorary speach at University of Uppsala birthday, 7th of October, 2022.
  • “Gustavus Adolphus, Johan Skytte and the Importance of Tartu University”, Tartu University and Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, Gustavus Adolphus Lecture, 7th November, 2022.

Prizes, Rewards, Learned Societies.

  • Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, elected vice-chair of Class IX (economy and social sciences, give out the Prize in Economy in Memory of Alfred Nobel), 2022-
  • 2022 awarded by the Uppsala university information and press secretariat for extraordinary visibility and participation in Swedish and interational media.
  • Honorary Doctorate National Academy of Pedagogic Sciences, Ukraine, Feb.2019
  • Best research article 2017 Swedish Journal of Political Science, 2018 (5000 SEK)
  • Uppsala Politices Students Association (UPS), elected honorary member 2019.
  • Best research article 2017 Swedish Journal of Political Science, 2018 (5000 SEK)
  • DiSA-prize for popular science 2018 (25 000 SEK).
  • Member of AcademiaNet- the Expert Database for Outstanding Women in Academia (Robert Bosch Stiftung), 2017.
  • Member of the Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala, (established 1710), 2015.
  • Thuréus-Prize 2014 (175 000 SEK).
  • Member of Swedish Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences (KVA), 2010.
  • Member of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Uppsala, (KVSU)2004.
  • Prize for Defending Academic Freedom, Swedish Association for University Teachers (SULF), 2005, (25000 SEK).
  • Member of the Society for Foreign Affairs, 2010.

Boards, Councils, and Advisory Groups

  • Sweden Estonia Cooperation Fund, (established 2018), member of the board 2021 –
  • Trond-Mohn Foundation (Bergen, Norway), member of the scientific selection committée 2020 –
  • Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation for Research Fellowships, member of the selection committée, 2019- 2022
  • The Political Science Association in Uppsala, (UPSA), chair 2018-2022
  • Fores Green Liberal Think-Tank, board member, 2017-2020
  • Aarhus Institute for Advanced Study (AIAS), Denmark, member of the scientific selection committé 2015- 2021
  • Chairwomen The Political Science Association in Uppsala, 2018 -
  • Boardmember Fores (Green-Liberal Think tank) 2017-
  • Selection committee for visiting fellows, Aarhus Institute for Advanced Study (AIAS), 2015 -
  • Boardmember of Dag Hammarsköld Foundation 2016-2017.
  • Selection Committée för the Sasakawa Young Leading Future Scholars Programme, Uppsala University, 2015-
  • Boardmember Södertörn University College 2013-2015.
  • Member of the Scientific Council, The Association for Business and Society (SNS) 2008-2015
  • Member of Upsala Nya Tidnings Ownership Board 2012-
  • Member the Swedish Government Committée for Research Policies, 2009/2010.
  • Boardmember Norsk Utenrikespolitisk Institutt (NUPI) 2010- 2013
  • Boardmember Institutet för Labormarket Evaluation (IFAU) 2004-2005.
  • Boardmember Institute for Urban and Housing Research (IBF) 1996-1998.
  • Boardmember Center for Science and Innovation Studies, Uppsala university, 2010- 2013
  • High Council Member, European University Institute, Firenze (EUI) 2008- 2012
  • Boardmember Swedish Fulbright-kommission 2008 -2012.
  • Member Swedish Research Council (VR) Council for Humanities and Social Sciences 2007-2010
  • Boardmember Foundation for Internationalization of Higher Education and Research (STINT) 2000-2004.
  • Chair Foundation for Internationalization of Higher Education and Research Committee for Cultural Research, 2001-2004.
  • Various assignments Uppsala University, (Faculty Board, Department Board, Electoral Committé, Search Committée, Strategic Council of the Dean)

Academic Assignments

  • Reviewer for promotion to professor Lina Eriksson, Sweden 2022.
  • Reviewer Junior Lecturer in Integration and Migration, Malmö university (38 applicants), 2020.
  • Reviewer for promotion to professor, Victor Lapuente, 2018
  • Reviewer research position Arhus universitet, Denmark, 2014.
  • Reviewer promotion to professor (seven applicants), Norway, 2013.
  • Reviewer for professorship of Andres Kasekamp, Tartu University, Estonia.
  • Reviewer, professorship in political science, University of Gothenburg, 2010.
  • Reviewer,postdoc-position in social sceinces, Södertörn University College, 2010.
  • Reviewer promotion to professor Henrik Oscarsson, University of Gothenburg,
  • Reviewer post-doc tjänst University of Bergen, Norge in Organizational Research, 2006-2007.
  • Reviewer, Assistant Professor, Department of Eurasian Studies, University of Uppsala, 2006-2007.
  • Reviewer, Senior Researcher, Tartu University, Estonia, 2010.
  • Reviewer of Dr. Aili Aarelaid-Tart, Tallinn University, Estonia, as Senior Researcher, 2007.
  • Reviewer of Dr. Anu Toots, Tallinn University, Estonia, as Professor in Comparative Politics, 2006.
  • Reviewer, Dr. Raivo Vetik, Dr. Georg Sootla and Dr.Rein Ruutsoo, Tallinn University, as Professors in Politics, 2003-2005.
  • Reviewer, of Position as Assistant Professor, Multidisciplinary Research, Södertörn University College, 2001.
  • Reviewer, Post-doc Scholarships, Publishing House Natur och Kultur, 2007.
  • Editorial Board, Philosophy of Education, Ukraine, 2016-
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Baltic Studies, 2013-
  • Editorial Board: Respons (Sweden) 2012-
  • Editorial Board, Institutio, Moldavian Academy of Sciences
  • Editorial Board, Scandinavian Political Studies, 2005 –
  • Editorial Board: Society and Politics in the Post-Soviet Space 2011-
  • Editorial Board: Baltic Worlds (Sweden) 2012-
  • Editorial Board: Baltic Journal of Political Science (Lithuania) 2011-
  • Member of Swedish Reference-group World Value Surveys, 2000-2003.
  • Editorial Board Tvärsnitt, 1996-2000.
  • Faculty Opponent at Doctoral Defence, Gothenburg University, 1998.
  • Faculty Opponent at Doctoral Defence, University of Linköping, Tema T, 2000.
  • Faculty Opponent at Doctoral Defence, University of Lund, 2005.
  • Reviewer research applications for Bank of Sweden Tercentany Foundation, Baltic Sea Foundation, Swedish Research Council, Norway Research Council, Finland Research Council, STINT.
  • Peer reviewer for Scandinavian Political Studies, Journal of Baltic Studies, Economic and Industrial Democracy, Political Research Quarterly, Party Politics, East European Politics and Societies, International Journal of Social Welfare, Comparative Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Europe-Asia Studies, British Journal of Politics, Problems of Post-Communism, Cambridge University Press.
  • Member of Grading Committées of Ph.D-Dissertations since 1999 (around 30-35) in: Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Economic History, History, Business Administration, Education, Economic Geography, Nordic Languages, Peace-and Conflict, Sociology of Law, Political Science.

Pedagogical activities

Graduate Level:

Supervisor Ph.D-students (year of defence in paranthesis):

  • Cecilia Garme (2001)
  • Per Strömblad (2003)
  • Per Adman (2004)
  • Karolina Hulterström (2004)
  • Katarina Barrling Hermansson (2004)
  • Katrin Uba (2007)
  • Pär Zetterberg (2009)
  • Marianne Danielsson (2010)
  • Johan Engvall (2011)
  • Gina Gustavsson (2011)
  • Johanna Söderström (2011)
  • Fredrik Sjöberg (2011)
  • Jessica Giandomenico (2015)
  • Karin Leijon (2018)
  • Hanna Söderbaum (2018, Economic History)
  • Cecilia Josefsson (2020)

Supervising presently the following Ph-D:s

  • Per Ekman (UU)
  • Cecilia Josefsson (UU)
  • Per Ekman
  • Anna Jeglinska
  • Isa Lappalainen

Undergraduate Level:

I have taught and developed courses at all levels (bachelor and master), from first semester to advanced levels since late 1980s. Courses on Swedish Politics, Comparative Politics, Political Sociology, International Politics, Methods, Political Institutions, Citizen Politics and Participation. Today, I also make the introductory lecture on our first semester on what political science is. I have supervised hundreds of Bachelor-theses, and Master theses in a large variety of empirical and theoretical topics. A detailed list of undergraduate teaching is available on request.

List of publications:

Publication in SCOPUS and WoS

  1. Bennich-Björkman L., Kashyn A., Kurbatov S. (2019) The Election of a Kleptocrat: Viktor Ianukovych and the Ukrainian Presidential Elections in 2010. East/West: Journal of Ukranian Studies, 6(1), 91-124.
  2. Bennich-Björkman, L. (2018). Around the corner?: Female empowerment, security, and elite mind-sets in Georgia. In Y. Gradskova & I. A. Morell, Gendering Postsocialism: Old Legacies and New Hierarchies (pp. 54-70). Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.4324/9781315100258 (Scopus)
  3. Bennich-Björkman, L. (2017). Post-Soviet developments: reflections on complexity and patterns of political orders. Journal of Contemporary Central And Eastern Europe, 26(1), 51-68. doi: 10.1080/0965156x.2017.1367891 ((Scopus))
  4. Bennich-Björkman, L. (2017). Academic leadership: Embracing uncertainty and diversity by building communication and trust. In M. D. Mumford & S. Hemlin, Handbook of Research on Leadership and Creativity (pp. 419-434). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. doi: 10.4337/9781784715465.00029 (Scopus)

Publications Books

  1. Hålla huvudet kallt. Om distanserat engagemang i en uppjagad tid, (Keeping a cool head. On detached engagement in excited times) (eds. with Sverker Gustavsson och Mats Lindberg), Daidalos, 2023.
  2. “When the Private Remains Nonpolitical: Gender Roles, Sexual Liberation, and the Example of Armenia,”Ann-Mari Sätre, Yulia Gradskova and Vladislava Vladimirova (eds.) Post-Soviet Women: New Challenges and Ways to Empowerment, Springer Nature/Palgrave Macmillan, 2023 (forthcoming).
  3. ”Imperial or Colonial: The War Is Fought Over the Soviet Past and A Broken Partnership”, Transatlantic Policy Quarterly, March 1st, 2023 (online version).
  4. Bakom och bortom järnridån. De sovjetiska åren och frigörelsen i Baltikum och Ukraina ( Behind and Beyond the Iron Curtain. The Soviet years and liberation in the Baltic States and Ukraine), (Appell förlag, Stockholm), 2022.
  5. Bennich-Björkman L. (2021). Exceptional But Different: Navigating Transition in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Lexington Books. Meandering in Transition: Thirty Years of Reforms and Identity in Post-Communist Europe / [ed] Ostap Kushnir & Oleksandr Pankieiev, London: Lexington Books, 2021, p. 79-108.
  6. Moscow and the Non-Russian Republics in the Soviet Union: Nomenklatura, Intelligentsia, and CentrePeriphery Relations, (eds.with Saulius Grybauskas), London: Routledge, 2021.
  7. When the Future Came: Perestroika and the Fall of the Soviet-Union in Post-Soviet Textbooks, (eds. with Sergiy Kurbatov) (forthcoming 2019).
  8. Sörja ett liv, leva ett annat. Flyktingens mörker och ljus, (Mourn a Life, Live Another. On the Refugees Darkness and Light) Stockholm: Appell Förlag, 2017.
  9. Det hotade universitetet, (red. med Ahlbäck-Öberg, Hermansson, Jarstad, Karlsson, Widmalm), Stockholm: Dialogos.
  10. Citizens at Heart? Perspectives on integration of refugees in the EU after the Yugoslav wars of succession (eds. with Kostic, Likic-Broboric), 2016, Uppsala Multiethnic Papers, 56, Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
  11. Johan Skytte, his donation in 1622 and the Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science, (with Nils-Axel Mörner), 2014, Stockholm: The Johan Skytte Foundation.
  12. Baltic Biographies at Historical Crossroads (with Aili Aarelaid-Tart eds.) London and New York: Routledge: 2012 (paperback 2014).
  13. Statsvetenskapens frågor (red). SNS/Studentlitteratur, 2013.
  14. Europa fem år efter utvidgningen, (Europe five years after Enlargement) 2009, Demokratirådet, Stockholm: SNS Förlag (med Jonas Tallberg, Anna Michailski,Daniel Naurin
  15. Mellan folkhem och Europa: svensk politik i brytningstid, (Between ´People´s Home´ and Europe) 2008, Stockholm: Liber (red. med Blomqvist).
  16. Political Culture under Institutional Pressure: How Institutions Transforms Early Socialization, 2007, New York: Palgrave: Macmillan.
  17. Arbete? Var god dröj! Invandrare i välfärdssamhället" utgiven på SNS förlag 2002 m. Christer Lundh, Rolf Ohlsson, Dan-Olof Rooth och Peder Pedersen.
  18. Någonting har hänt. Förbättring och frustration i svenska lågstatsusskolor, 2002, Stockholm: SNS förlag.
  19. Organising Innovative Research. The Inner Life of University Departments, 1997, Oxford: Elsevier Pergamon Press
  20. Statsstödda samhällskritiker. Författarautonomi och statstyrning i Sverige, 1991, Stockholm: Tidens förlag
  21. Articles and book chapters
  22. “Krackelerar den sociala sammanhållningen?”, i Sören Holmberg och Katarina Barrling (red), Demokratins framtid. Rösträtten 100 år, Stockholm: Sveriges Riksdag, (in press 2018).
  23. ”The Election of a Kleptocrat: Revisiting the Election of Viktor Yanukovich”, Journal of Ukrainian Studies, EastWest, No. 2, (with Andriy Kashin and Sergiy Kurbatov, in press) 2018.
  24. “Around the Corner? Female Empowerment in Georgia”, in Gradskova, Yulia, Aztalos Morell, Ildikó (eds,) 2018, Gendering Post-Socialism, Old Legacies and New Hierarchies, London: Routledge,
  25. “Svensk integrationspolitik och integration i Sverige. Hur har det gått för 1990-talets högutbildade flyktingar från Bosnien och Hercegovina?” (with Branka Likic-Brboric), i Maja Povrazanovic-Frykman and Magnus Öhlander (red.) Högutbildade migranter i Sverige, Lund: Arkiv förlag, 2018.
  26. ”Valet 2018 – Baspartiernas död?” i Niklas Bohlin m fl (red), Snabbtänkt. 100 forskare om valet 2018, Mittuniversitetet, 2018.
  27. “Statskunskap: Söndrade vi falla?” Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 2017:2 (Political Science: Divided We Fall?)
  28. “Post-Soviet Developments: Reflections on Complexity and Patterns of Political Orders” Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 2017.
  29. “In the absence of antagonism? Rethinking Eastern European Populism in the early 2000s”, Eastern European Quarterly, 2017.
  30. “Post-Communism”, SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology, (eds. William Outhwaite & Stephen Turner), 2017/2018
  31. “Academic Leadership: Embracing Uncertainty and Diversity by Building Communication and Trust” Handbook of Research on Creativity and Leadership (eds. Michael Mumford & Sven Hemlin), 2017.
  32. “You are not the People: Revisiting Citzenship and Geopolitics” Latvia – A Work in Progress? 100 Years of State- and Nation Building, (eds. David J. Smith & Matthew Kott), Stuttgart: Ibidem Verlag, 2017.
  33. “Academic freedom: An Ultra-Modern Principle with Old Roots”, Philosophy of Education, 2016:1 .
  34. “Mending Life: Trauma and the Remembering Self among Estonian and Bosnian Emigrés” in Cultural Patterns and Life Stories (eds. Jõesalu, K.; Kannike, A),. Acta Universitatis Tallinnensis.Socialia. University of Tallinn Press, 2016.
  35. ”Down the Slippery Slope: The Perils of the Academic Research Industry”, 2013, in Transformations in Research, Higher Education and the Academic Market. The Breakdown of Scientific Thought, (eds.) Rider, Sharon, Hasselberg, Ylva, Waluszewski, Alexandra, Higher Education Dynamics, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag.
  36. “Baltic States- Choices on Citizenship and Western Integration”, Baltic Rim Economies- Quarterly Review, No 5: October 2013.
  37. “Ukraine: Presidential Elections 2014 in the Midst of Rebellion” , Baltic Worlds, online elections analysis.
  38. “Har demokratin en framtid i Europa”, Uppsala Senioruniversitet 35 år. Åren 2009-2014; Uppsala ort nr. 18, Uppsala 2014.
  39. ”Pateman, Carole”, The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, Wiley Blackwell.
  40. ”Varför demokrati?”, (Why Democracy?) 2013, i ”Statsvetenskapens frågor, (red) Li Bennich-Björkman, Studentlitteratur: Lund.
  41. ”Hur olika kan vi vara och ändå hålla ihop?”, (How Different Can We Be and Yet Stick Together?) 2013, i Statsvetenskapens frågor, (red) Li Bennich-Björkman, Studentlitteratur: Lund.
  42. “Successful but Different: Deliberative Identity and the Consesus-Driven Transition in Estonia and Slovenia” Journal of Baltic Studies, 43 (1) 2012 (co-authored with Branka Likic-Brboric)
  43. ”Explaining decline in nationalism: Divergent trajectories of national conservative parties in Estonia and Latvia”, Comparative European Politics, (4: 2012), co-authored with Karl-Magnus Johansson).
  44. “Internationalization of Higher Education: Searching for the Effective Model in Context of Swedish-Ukrainian Cooperation” (with Sergey Kurbatov) Journal of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. # 3(72), 2011. – p. 93-100. – published
  45. “Ukrainian politics in the eyes of the voters: Issues, Leadership Ideals and Regional Belonging in 2010 Elections” (with Andriy Kashyn and Sergey Kurbatov revise and resubmit)
  46. “Trajectories of State-Building and Democratization in the former Soviet region: Second Decade of Independence” Proceedings, Baltic University Conference in Poznan, September 2011.
  47. “Social Dominance Theory”, International Encyclopedia of Political Science (eds. Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, and Leonardo Morlino), London: Sage, 2011.
  48. “Estonian Elections 2011: Stability and Consensus” Baltic Worlds, 13 march 2011
  49. “Akademisk frihet” (Academic Freedom`) i Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds Årsskrift, red. Marie Cronquist, Stockholm 2010.
  50. ”The Communist Past: Party Formation and Elites in the Baltic States”, Baltic Worlds, Dec 2009, vol II: 3-4 (available online: www. balticworlds.com)
  51. “Slovenien – från nation till stat”, (Slovenia – from nation to state) 2009, Östeuropa – stat och nation i förändring, Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2009 (with Branka Likic-Brboric).
  52. ”The Role of the Parliament in Lithuania’s Successful State-building After 1991”, Genesis of European Parliamentarism and Lithuania’s Case”, The Centre for Parliamentary Cooperation, International Scientific Conference Material, Vilnius 2008.
  53. “Universiteten, kreativiteten och politikens aningslöshet”, Educare, 2007:1.
  54. “The Cultural Roots of Estonia’s Successful Transition”, East European Politics and Societies (EEPS), Spring 2007.
  55. “Civic Commitment, Political Culture and the Estonian Interwar Generation”, Nationalities Papers, March 2007.
  56. "A Political Culture in Exile", Journal of Baltic Studies, 1:2006
  57. “Commentary: Institutional Incentives, not Socialization, Determine Academic Conformism”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 29, 2006.
  58. “The Baltic Sea Region – Developing Towards and Away from Democracy”, Realizing a Common Vision for a Baltic Sea Eco-Region. Report from a Research Symposium on Sustainable Development Patterns, Baltic Agenda 21 & Baltic University, 2006.
  59. “Demokratiskt ethos och politisk korruption efter kommunismens fall: en jämförelse”, ), Kungliga Vetenskapssamhället i Uppsala Årsbok 2007.
  60. “Between Soft Europanization and National Cultural Legacies: Democratic Discourses and Political Elites in Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine and the Czech Republic”, Expanding Borders: Communities and Identities, Proceedings from the International Conference, Riga November 9-11, 2005.
  61. “Universitetet, kreativiteten och politikens aningslöshet”, Kunskap och investeringar i fria universitet, (red) Nils Karlson, Stockholm: Ratio, 2007.
  62. ”Between Resistance and Opposition: Developments after Stalinism”, Latvia and Eastern Europe in the 1960s-1980s ,Materials of an International Conference 10 October 2006, Riga (Riga: Latvijas vestures instituta apgads, 2007.
  63. "Building Post-Communist States", Building Democracy East of the Elbe. Essays in Honor of Eduard Mokrycki, 2006, London: Routledge.
  64. "A Tribute to Knowledgeable Swedes. Review Article",vol 24, No 4, November 2003, Economic and Industrial Democracy,
  65. "Explaining Elite Integrity in Post-Totalitarian States", 2005, Negotiating Futures: States, Societies and the World. Proceedings from an International Conference, Riga, Latvia.
  66. "Why Universities Need Leaders - the Swedish Case", 1999, What Kind of University?, London. Open University Press.
  67. "Explaining State Capture in Estonia and Latvia: Identity, International Role Mosdels and Political Formation", 2002, (ed) Maciejewski, Witold, The Baltic Sea ´Region. Culture, Politics, Societies, Baltic University Press.
  68. “Has Academic Freedom Survived? An Interview Study of the Conditions for Researchers in an Era of Paradigmatic Change”, Higher Education Quarterly, July 2007.
  69. “Vägen västerut: Så blev Baltikumryssarna statslösa”, i Statsvetare ifrågasätter, Uppsala: Statsvetenskapliga föreningens skriftserie, 2008.
  70. ”Medborgarssamhället: Politisk kultur och politiskt deltagande i Sverige”, (reds.) Li Bennich-Björkman och Paula Blomqvist, Mellan folkhem och Europa: svensk politik i ny tid, Liber:2008.
  71. Europeiska unionens nya stater" Ingvar Svanberg & Claes Levinsson (red), SNS förlag 2004, kapitel om Estland och Lettland.
  72. ”Sõdadevaheline generatsioon või meie kõik”, Rahvuslik kontakt, 4 (172), 2001.
  73. "Är de baltiska staterna redo för ett EU-medlemsskap?" 2002, Europaperspektiv. Östutvidgning, majoritetsbeslut och flexibel integration, Ulf Bernitz, Lars Oxelheim och Sverker Gustavsson (red), Göteborg: Nerenius och Santerus förlag.
  74. "Dr Spock och medborgardygderna. Barnuppfostran och samhällsutveckling under efterkrigstiden" i Framtidens dygder - etik i praktiken (red) Emil Uddhammar och Patrik Aspers, 1999, Stockholm: City University Press (*).
  75. "Känslomakaren. Populärkulturens makt och medborgarrollens förändring " i Civilsamhället (SOU 1999:84, demokratiutredningen),
  76. "Är individualisering nyckeln till skolans framgång?" Karin Borevi & Per Strömblad (red) Kunskap och integration. Om makt och skola i mångfaldens Sverige, SOU 2004:33 (integrationsmaktutredningen)
  77. "Skoleffekter och skoleffektivitet: Exemplet Navestad", 2004, Anders Persson m fl (red), Skolkulturer - vägen till framgång?, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
  78. "Den globala medborgaren: postkollektivistisk och postideologisk”, Erik Amnå & Lars Ilshammar (red), 2002, Den gränslösa medborgaren. En antologi om en möjlig dialog, Stockholm: Agora.
  79. "Invandrarna och den stora staten. Statsmaktens roll i en mångetniskt välfärdsstat", 1997, Christina Nyhed (red), Stat, människor och marknad. Sex röster om offentligt och privat, Göteborg: Nerenius och Santerus förlag.
  80. "Hur populär är jag? Veckotidningarnas 'testa-dig -själv' som nyckel till unga kvinnors vardagsverklighet", 1996, Fiktionens förvandlingar. Vänbok till Bo Bennich-Björkman på hans 70-årsdag, Uppsala: Litteratursociologiska institutionens skriftserie.
  81. "Spocks barnbarn tar över. Studentkåren på 1980-talet", 1999, Torgny Neveus (red). Världen i Fyrisperspektiv. Studentkåren i Uppsala 150 år, Uppsala.
  82. ”Död eller skendöd? Svensk modell i upplösning”, i Leif Lewin (red), Svenskt kynne, Statsvetenskapliga föreningens i Uppsala skriftserie, 2001.
  83. Reports
  84. Forskning formar framtiden (slutrapport från regeringens forskningsberedning, medförfattare), juli 2010.
  85. How Does Academic Freedom Survive? An Interview Study of the Conditions for Researchers in an Era of Paradigmatic Change, 2004, rapport 22, Stockholm: Högskoleverket.
  86. Överlever den akademiska friheten? En intervjustudie om forskningens villkor i en brytningstid, Stockholm: Högskoleverket, 2004. (*)
  87. Förutsättningar för politiska prioriteringar inom svensk sjukvård. En jämförelse mellan landstingen i Östergötland och Uppsala, 2004: 2, Linköping: Prioriteringscentrum (*)
  88. "A Creative University - is it possible? " 1991, Studies In Higher Education (with Bo Rothstein).
  89. "Learning a Passionate Profession. The Failure of Political Reform in Higher Education - A Swedish Example", 1993, Studies in Higher Education and Research no 2.

Reviews (selection)

  1. ”Spår. Av Lena Sundstöm” Respons 2012.
  2. ”On Baltic Slovenia and Adriatic Lithuania. A Qualitative, Comparative Analysis on Patterns of Post-Communist Transformation (by Zenonas Norkus)” Journal of Baltic Studies, 43 (4), 555-558.
  3. ”Statsvetaren. Jörgen Westerståhl och demokratins århundrade” i Respons 1:2012.
  4. ”Entusiastisk europé reflekterar” Recension av Ulle Elleman-Jensens Det lysner i Öst, Nordisk Öst-Forum, 1:2008.
  5. Ulrika Jarres avhandling, 2006:4, Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift.
  6. "The Roots of Democratic Consolidation" (review), vol 26, No 3, July 2003, West European Politics.
  7. “Varför ställer vi upp på alla motstridiga krav?”, recension av Billy Ehn: Universitetet som arbetsplats, Nyheter och debatt, 5:2001.
  8. Recension av Hans Lindblads ”Jag var för snäll”, Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, nr 3, 1994.
  9. ”På besök i det exotiska Asketorp”. Recension av Annette Rosengrens avhandling Två barn och eget hus. Om kvinnors och mäns världar i småsamhället, 1991, Tiden 1/1992.
  10. “Den lilla världens stora makt” Recension av Anna G. Jonasdottir, Love Power and Political Interests (1991) och Helene Brembeck, Efter Spock. Uppfostran idag (1992), Tiden 3/1993.
  11. ”Anders Isaksson om Per-Albin: Makten viktigare än idéerna.” Recension av Anders Isakssons Per Albin: Vägen till folkhemmet, NU, 1986.
  12. ”Den svenska politikens rötter.” Recension av bok med samma titel, NU, 1987.
  13. ”Klanen Kennedy.” Recension av Peter Collier och David Horowitz, Klanen Kennedy. Ett amerikanskt drama, NU, 1986.

Conference papers (selection)

  1. " Rethinking the Organization of Research, Education, and Training of Doctoral Students: A Comparison of Swedish and U.S. Doctoral Programs” (with Maresi Nerad, UC, Berkeley) 1995, presented at Consortium for Higher Education Research, (CHER), Rom, Italien.
  2. "Why Universities Need Leaders", 1997, paper presented at the Carnegie Foundation Conference on Higher Education Research, London.
  3. "Fun Morality and Social Capital", 1998, paper presented at the Joint Sessions of European Consortium for Political Research, (ECPR) Warwick, UK.
  4. "Generalized Trust in Stable Democracies", 1998, papper framlagt på Statsvetenskapliga förbundets i Sverige årsmöte, Linköping, Sverige.
  5. "Building Post-Communist States: Political Corruption in Estonia and Latvia", 2002, papper framlagt på Nordiska Statsvetarförbundets konferens (NOPSA), Ålborg, Danmark.
  6. "Building Post-Communist States", 2002, paper presenterat vid Conference in Honour of Eduard Mokryczki, Warsawa, Polen.
  7. "Explaining Elite Integrity in the Baltic States", 2004, paper presenterat vid ASPRI conference in Riga, Lettland.
  8. "Tracing the Roots of Elite Integrity" , 2005, paper presenterat vid ECPR Joint Sessions, Granada, Spanien.
  9. "Political Culture in Exile", 2005, paper presenterat vid 6:e Baltic Studies Conference , Valmiera, Lettland.
  10. "Political Culture, Collective Memory and the Baltic Polities After the 'Singing Revolution', 2005, Paper presenterat vid NOPSA konferens, Reykavik, Island.
  11. "Interpreting Communist and Post-Communist Societies from Outside", 2005, paper presenterat vid European Sociological Association (panel on biographical research), Torun, Polen.
  12. "Between 'Soft' Europeanization and National Cultural Legacies", 2005, paper presenterat vid ASPRI konferens, Riga, Lettland.
  13. "Explaining Patterns of Post-Communist State Capture: Moral Actors and Governmental Identities", 2005, "Quality of Government" conference, Göteborg, Sverige.
  14. “How Historical Legacies Influenced the Baltic States After Independence”, Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) Conference, New York City, 25-27 March 2006.
  15. “Collective Resistance After Stalinism”, Paper presented at the Latvian History Commission, 10 october 2006, Riga, Lettland.
  16. “How the European Neighbourhood Policy Affects the Democratic Discourses in Ukraine”, Presentation at the ASPRI international conference in Riga, 9-11 of november 2006 (with Kasper Andersson).
  17. “What kind of Democracy?” Discourses on Democracy in Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania”, Paper presented at the 13th Annual Associations for the Studies of Nationalities Conference, New York, 10-14 April, 2008.
  18. “What Kind of Party Politics in the New Post-Communist Member States?”, Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, Potsdam10-12 September, 2009.
  19. “East European Patterns of Resistance during the Cold War: Estonia´s Club Society in Perspective”, Paper presented at the 9th Aleksanteri Institute Conference, 29-31 October, 2009, Helsinki, Finland.
  20. “Party Systems and Media Images: The Divergence of Post-Communist Party Politics”, Paper presented at the Association for Studies of Nationalities, 15th Convention, 15-17 April, 2010, New York City.
  21. “The Story of Estonia: Remembering Estonia in Exile”, Paper presented at the ICCEESS World Congress, 26-31 of July, 2010, Stockholm Sweden.
  22. “Sites of Creative State-Building? The Role of Think-Tanks in the Post-Soviet Region” (with Sergiy Gerasymchuk), Paper presented at the 16th World Congress Association for Studies of Nationalities, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, NYC, 14-16 April 2011.
  23. Bennich-Björkman, Li & Likic-Brboric, Branka, ”Acceptance and Strategies of Citizenship: Bosnian Refugees in Sweden and UK”, International conference “Citizens at Heart” Uppsala University, Sweden 1-2 March 2013.
  24. Bennich-Björkman, Li, ”Transforming Sweden from Social-Democracy to Entrepreneurial Welfarism” , A New Swedish Investigation on Power?”, Institutet för framtidsstudier, konferens 4-5 november 2013.
  25. Bennich-Björkman Li, Kurbatov, Sergiy, “Perestroika in Post-Soviet Textbooks”, International Institute of Sociology (IIS), World Congress, Uppsala, Sweden 9-10 June, 2013.
  26. Bennich-Björkman, Li, “Citizenship and Geopolitics in the Baltic States”,” International conference “Latvia – A Work in Progress? 100 Years of State and Nation-building”, Uppsala, Sweden, December 5-6, 2013.
  27. Bennich-Björkman,. Li, “Soft resistance in the Soviet West”, presented at the Association for the Studies of Nationalities World Congress, April 26-28 2014, New York City.
  28. Bennich-Björkman, Li, “Mending Lives? Remembering and Trauma Among Estonian and Bosnian Refugees” “Cultural Memory and Life Stories. A Conference in Memory of Aili Aarelaid-Tart” , Tallinn University 27 august 2014.
  29. (to be updated)

Academic Outreach and Popular Science

  1. I have over the years since later 1990s been increasingly participating in various forums outside academia and my engagements over the years are hundreds. Below, I listed a number of outlets (without listing each single article, lecture, talk or interview). A full list can be provided by me.
  2. Participates as an interviewee and commentator in Radio, TV, Press, both locally, nationally, and internationally regularly.
  3. Columnist in Upsala Nya Tidning (UNT) since 2003, with eight columns each year (a total of more than 100 columns).
  4. Participates regularly with articles in newspapers, journals, magazines.
  5. Frequently engaged as lecturer and giving talks to non-academic audiences; Associations, Organizations, Public Authorities, in Swedish Political Fair Almedalen: in average around 20 lectures/talks yearly.

Other scientific publicatuions

  1. Bennich-Björkman L. (2022). Imperial or colonial: The war is fought over the soviet past and a broken relationship. TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY, ISSN 1303-5754, Vol. 21, no 4, p. 23-31.