J. Joe Bishop



Е-mail: joe.bishop@emich.edu

Scopus ID: 54895027400

ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-5489-5027-400



Professor, Ph.D. Education,

Social Foundations of Education Program/ Educational Studies Doctoral Program

Teacher Education Department, Eastern Michigan University (Ypsilanti, USA)


INTERESTS Areas: Africa, Central/Eastern Europe, Central/Inner Eurasia, South Asia Topics: Citizenship, Comparative & International Education, Democratic Educational Reform, ESL, Emerging Democracies, Globalization, Informal & Alternative Education, Justice/Equity, Language and Culture, Morphology, Multicultural International/Global Education, Religion, Research Methods, Social Studies, Sociology/Anthropology of Education, Sociocultural Theory.



                • 2013 & 2015 (with Dondi Goerlitz): IREX UGRAD, UG Pakistani student support
                • Aug 2012: EMU Practicum for Teacher Educators from Pakistan ($307,083 Project CoDirector & Administrator; with Peggy Daisey)
                • Dec 2011: EMU Provost’s International Education Stimulus Grant ($5,000): International Experiential Education in Impoverished Schools in Uganda (Funded for May, 2012).
                • December 2010: TOEFL Library & Resource Center Award (~$2000, English language teaching & TOEFL test preparation materials; Prepared while on sabbatical and affiliated with Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine; with Nataliya Golubkova, Sumy (funded)
                • February 2005: American Councils for International Education, Washington, D.C. ($40,800): Eurasian School Directors Internship Program in Citizenship Education and School Administration (Project Director/Consultant).
  • March 2004: American Councils for International Education, Washington, D.C. ($25,100): Citizenship Education Internship Program for Secondary School Educators and Teacher Trainers from Eurasia (Project Director/Consultant).
  • March 2003: American Councils for International Education, Washington, D.C. ($24,932): Citizenship Education Internship Program for Secondary School Educators and Teacher Trainers from Eurasia (Project Director/Consultant).
  • May 2001: Professional Development Fellowship, Institute of International Education, NY ($5350); Conceptions of Democratic Citizenship Education and Education Reform in the Slovak Republic (fieldwork)
  • May 2001: South Dakota Governor Janklow’s Advanced Award for Teaching with Technology ($16000); Revising ELED 360,Teaching Social Studies in Elementary and Middle Schools, to Include Significant Use of Technology for Creating and Implementing K-8 Lesson Plans. (DECLINED in order to accept the Professional Development Fellowship)
  • April 2000: South Dakota Governor Janklow’s Award for Teaching with Technology ($16000);  Infusing Technology and the Internet into the Foundations of Education course
  • March 2000: Learning Organizations for Technology Integration (LOFTI) grant ($2000); Creating Web-Based Lesson Plans that Promote Social Studies and Technology Competencies for Methods Students and K-12 Students.” (DECLINED in order to accept the Teaching with Technology award)
  • April 1998: Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship (FLAS), UI ($3833); Czech Language Study
  • May 1997: T. Anne Cleary International Dissertation Research Award, UI ($800); Dissertation Fieldwork
  • April 1997: Intensive Russian and Czech program, UI ($250): Czech Language Study
  • March 1993: Office of Academic Affairs, UI ($500): Mongolian language and culture studies
  • February 1993: Graduate College, UI ($1000): Mongolian language and culture studies
  • May 1992: Department of Anthropology, UI ($250): Exploratory research in Québec



  • Outstanding Service Award (EMU, College of Education; 2013)
  • Top 25 Education Professors in Michigan (2012); Visiting Professor (Sep-Dec 2010): Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine
  • Teaching Excellence Award, EMU Alumni Association (2008)
  • Fulbright Lecturing Award (2005-2006): Bosnia and Herzegovina (Feb-Jul 2006)
  • Who’s Who among America’s Teachers (2003-present; nominated by former student)
  • Who’s Who in American Education (2006 - present)
  • Who’s Who in America 2000 – present
  • Howard R. Jones Achievement Award (University of Iowa, College of Education, spring 1999)
  • Who's Who in the Midwest (1998)
  • T. Anne Cleary International Dissertation Research Award (1997)
  • Lambda Alpha (Anthropology Honor Society) - life member
  • Fine Arts Scholarship & Transfer Honors Scholarship, Winona State University
  • The National Dean’s List and Dean’s Lists (Rainy River Community College & Winona State)



Journal Articles:

  • 2011 “Classroom Democracy: Including Everyone as a Means Of Reducing Master-Slave Relations,” Comparative–Pedagogical Studies (Порівняльно-педагогічні студії), 7(1): 28-34. Also available online: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/Soc_Gum/Ppstud/2011_1/files/28-34.pdf
  • 2011 “Democracy, Human Rights, and Islam,” Philosophical Sciences: Traditions and Innovations (Філософські  Науки: Традиції Та Інновації), 3(2): 205-214.
  • 2010 (in Ukrainian). “Американська перспектива щодо особистісно- орієнтованої освіти” (An American Perspective on Person-Oriented Education). Філософія освіти. Philosophy of Education. 9(1-2): 124-136.
  • 2010 Bishop, Joe, Wellinski, Stephen, and Mason, Lance. “Bad Pedagogy: Critical  Justice in 4/4 Time,” Scientific Searches (Наукові пошуки), 3: 16-26.
  • 2010 “Promoting Student Thinking Through Active, Student-Centered Teaching,” Pedagogic Sciences: Theory, History, Innovative Technology (Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології), 6(4): 132-138.
  • 2008. “Introduction.” Educational Studies (Special Issue: Religion and Public Education), 43(1): 2-5.
  • 2007. “Editor’s Corner.” Educational Studies, 42(2): 89-92.
  • 2007. “Editor’s Corner.” Educational Studies, 42(1): 1-4.
  • 2007. “Editor’s Corner.” Educational Studies, 41(3): 183-186.
  • 2007. “Editor’s Corner.” Educational Studies, 41(2): 103-105.
  • 2006. “Historical Cognition and Scientific Thinking among Pre-Service Secondary Social Studies Teachers” The Journal (WI Council for the Social Studies), Fall.
  • 2006. “Provođenje Demokratije u Razredu: Potencijal za Društevenu Transformaviju, ili Pedagoška Noćna Mora?” ["Doing Democracy in the Classroom: Potential for Social Transformation, or Pedagogical Nightmare?"] Selma Mahmutovic (translator). POLIS. Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, IV (5): 12-15 (June).
  • 2006.“Introduction,” Educational Studies, 39(3): 195-200.
  • 2001. “Democracy as a Cross-Cultural Concept: Promises and Problems.” Theory and Research in Social Education. 29(3):463-487 (with Gregory E. Hamot).


Magazine Articles:

  • 2009. with Christopher G. Robbins. “Accountability Legerdemain and the Intensification of Inequality.” Dissident Voice, (20 March). Online:

http://www.dissidentvoice.org/2009/03/accountability-legerdemain-and-the-intensification-ofinequality/2007. “A Brave New World: Flattened Workers, Unite.” Eastern Educator, (Summer 2007), p. 12.


  • 2005. “Locating Democracy: Meanings and Intersections in the Czech Republic.” in
  • Cameron White and Roger Openshaw (Eds.), Democracy at the Crossroads: International
  • Perspectives on Critical Global Citizenship. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.


Book Reviews:

  • 2001. “Review of Cogan, John J. and Ray Derricot, 2000, “Citizenship for the 21st
  • Century: An International Perspective on Education.” Comparative Education Review, 45 (1):163-165.


Publication in Ukrainian:

  • An American Perspectiveon Person-Oriented Education (Американська перспектива щодо особистісно-орієнтованої освіти). Філософія освіти. Philosophy of Education – 2010. – № 1-2(9). С.123-137. URL: www.philosopheducation.com