Civic Education: utopias, models and philosophies


  • S. Klepko


Civic education as humanitarian technology, its conceptual bases is investigated in the article. It is determined the real working models and philosophical substantiation of civic education under the conditions of risk, reanimation and frustration of the democratic development of society. Analyzing such «necessary utopias» of civic education as «civil society» and «open society», which support the paradigm of human rights and modern mission of the state in a social order, it is determined the real models of civic education used in the
Ukrainian education: etatistic, national-patriotic and democratic. It is shown  the peculiarities of implementation of civic education in the Higher Education School. It is conducted the explication of Philosophy of civic education as a paradigm of multidimensional civicism under the conditions of educational globalization and establishment of the «university-enterprise», and also as a solution to the problem of personal authenticity based on cognitive nature of power. It is proved that determination of the civic education development is
caused by the public ideals and orientations of civil society to keep its «democratic health». Pierre Bourdieu's meta-methodology for modeling of the noncartesian pedagogy of civic education, which determines the actual directions of educational policy and recomprehension of the role of educational actors, is used in the final part of the article.


Abstract views: 318



How to Cite

Klepko, S. (2005). Civic Education: utopias, models and philosophies. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 1(1). Retrieved from






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