Review of scientific and journalistic essays from the series of books “Pedagogical Concepts” by Vitalii Khromets




series “Pedagogical Concepts”, Vitaliy Khromets, classics of pedagogy, scientific and journalistic essays


Review of 15 books of the series of scientific and journalistic essays “Pedagogical Concepts”, created by Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Director of the NGO “Nestor Center” Vitalii Khromets, Dukh i Litera, Kyiv: 2023-2024.

Author Biography

Kateryna Honcharenko, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Pro­fessor, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Educational and Scientific Institute of Philosophy and Educational Policy


Eronen, L., Kokko, S., & Sormunen, K. (2019). Escaping the subject-based class: A Finnish case study of developing transversal competencies in a transdisciplinary course. The Curriculum Journal, 30(3), 1-15.

Freire, P. (1993). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Trans. from English by O. Demianchuk. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Universe.

Freire, P. (2004). Pedagogy of Freedom: Ethics, Democracy, and Civic Courage. Trans. from English by O. Demianchuk. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Publishing House “KM Academy”.

Gray, J. (2024). Feline Philosophy. Cats and the Meaning of Life. Trans. from English by P. Dobrynchuk. [In Ukrainian].Kyiv: Laboratory.

Khromets, V. (2024a). Adolf Diesterweg: pedagogical concept. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter.

Khromets, V. (2024g). Alexander Sutherland Neill: pedagogical concept. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter.

Khromets, V. (2024b). Anton Makarenko: pedagogical concept. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter.

Khromets, V. (2023b). Célestin Freinet: Pedagogical Conception. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter.

Khromets, V. (2024k). Friedrich Froebel: pedagogical concept. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter.

Khromets, V. (2024c). Georg Kerschensteiner: pedagogical concept. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter.

Khromets, V. (2024l). Jan Ámos Komenský: pedagogical concept. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter.

Khromets, V. (2024m). Janusz Korczak: pedagogical concept. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter.

Khromets, V. (2024e). Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi: pedagogical concept. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter.

Khromets, V. (2024d). John Dewey: pedagogical concept. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter.

Khromets, V. (2024f). Maria Montessori: pedagogical concept. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter.

Khromets, V. (2024h). Paulo Freire: pedagogical concept. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter.

Khromets, V. (2024i). Rudolf Steiner: pedagogical concept. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter.

Khromets, V. (2024j). Ushinsky Kostiantyn Dmytrovych: pedagogical concept. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter.

Khromets, V. (2023a). Vasyl Sukhomlynsky: Pedagogical Conception. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter.

Romanchuk, O. (2011). The Role of Popular Science Literature in the Propagation of Knowledge. [In Ukrainian]. Bulletin of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Journalism series, (34), 188-194.


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How to Cite

Honcharenko, K. (2025). Review of scientific and journalistic essays from the series of books “Pedagogical Concepts” by Vitalii Khromets. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 30(2), 238–246.






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