Hybrid management in the philosophy of education: integration of democratic and critical approaches to educational management





Hybrid management, philosophy of education, democratic approach, critical pedagogy, John Dewey, Henry Giroux


The article explores the philosophical foundations of educational management through the prism of democratic and critical approaches, emphasizing the ideas of John Dewey and Henri Giroux. The main focus is on the role of a democratic approach, which is aimed at creating an educational space where students not only passively acquire knowledge but also actively participate in decision-making, forming a conscious civic position. This reinforces the development of critical thinking and social responsibility necessary for modern society. The importance of critical pedagogy revealed in the context of the works of Henry Giroux as a tool of social transformation that contributes to the formation of students as socially active citizens is also considered. Giroux’s pedagogy emphasizes the importance of using education to transfer knowledge and prepare young people for active participation in changing social structures and realities. The article also explores modern approaches to educational management, particularly the existential method proposed by Segal, which promotes reflection on professional practice through understanding its existential dimensions. This approach allows managers and teachers to better understand their pedagogical practice and find meaning and motivation in educational processes. It is noted that effective educational management in modern challenges, especially military and social, requires adaptive management models that combine a pragmatic orientation to the result with a philosophical background that considers cultural and social features. Particular attention is paid to analyzing the specifics of educational management in Ukraine, which is at the junction between continental European approaches and global trends. The Ukrainian context of education requires the integration of national values and moral principles while adapting critical and democratic pedagogy to promote the development of socially conscious and responsible citizens.

Author Biography

Oleksiy Kiykov, Dipservice Directorate (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, director


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How to Cite

Kiykov, O. (2025). Hybrid management in the philosophy of education: integration of democratic and critical approaches to educational management . Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 30(2), 173–185. https://doi.org/10.31874/2309-1606-2024-30-2-11






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