The Plausibility of Distance and Computer-Assisted Learning in an era of Fuel Subsidy Removal: a Case Study of the Main Campus of Lagos State University




Computer Assisted Learning, Fuel Subsidy Removal, Lagos State University, Nigeria, Open and Distance Learning


Following the removal of fuel subsidy in Nigeria on 29th of May 2023, residents of Lagos State have witnessed a significant spike in cost of living. Incidentally, this has also turned into a serious challenge in the educational sector as this has affected the continued sustenance of the traditional mode of learning where students and lecturers meet on campus on a daily basis. Hence, the present research offers distance computer-assisted learning via Open and Distance Learning (ODL) as a complement to traditional or conventional learning in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Distance computer-assisted learning boasts mainly of synchronous, asynchronous or blended means of learning all of which have been used in the past to complement face-to-face interactions between lecturers and students of Lagos State University. It is on the basis of the economic inconveniences of fuel subsidy removal with the declaration of the three-day work week by the Lagos State University that this research proposes distance computer-assisted learning to mediate the gap created between lecturers and students of Lagos State University. However, the present research concerns with students’ readiness and awareness of this mode of learning. The methodology adopted for this research is quantitative analysis which involves the use of questionnaires offered to 380 students of Lagos State University in February 2024. The result shows that whereas students are willing to adopt distance computer-assisted learning, the challenges of power and telecommunications appear as serious challenges. It is the submission of this study that when the recommendations offered in this research are explored, ODL may serve as a complement to conventional learning.

Author Biographies

Mohammed Akinola Akomolafe, Lagos State University (Ojo, Nigeria)

PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy. Research interests: Socio-political Philosophy, Metaphysics and Ethics

Olajide Abiodun Obi, Lagos State University (Ojo, Nigeria)

PhD, Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy. Research interests: Logic, African Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy


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How to Cite

Akomolafe, M. A., & Obi, O. A. (2024). The Plausibility of Distance and Computer-Assisted Learning in an era of Fuel Subsidy Removal: a Case Study of the Main Campus of Lagos State University. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 30(1), 221–232.






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