Quality of Higher Education and Current Researches in This Area

Interview of Sergiy Kurbatov with Theo Wubbels, Professor at the University of Utrecht (Netherlands), President of the European Association of Educational Researchers (EERA)


  • Teo Wubbels Utrecht University
  • Sergiy Kurbatov Institute of Higher Education National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine




educational researches, internal system of quality assurance of university education, educational programs, professional development, university rankings, international cooperation


In his exclusive interview for our journal the President of the European Educational Research Association (EERA), Professor of Education at Utrecht University Theo Wubbels told about his professional development as an expert in the area of educational researches. He analyzed the process of establishing and further development of the internal quality assurance system at Utrecht University, which helps this university to be a leader in European and global academic space. For example, Professor Wubbels specially stressed the point, that system of quality assurance in higher education could not be reduced only to the formal mechanisms of assessment, but need to include the possibilities for professional development and intensive dialogue between teachers and students. Theo Wubbles discussed the main activities of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) and the possibilities for researchers, which membership in this association provides. He also shared his impressions from cooperation with Ukrainian colleagues.

Author Biographies

Teo Wubbels, Utrecht University

President of the European Educational Research Association (EERA), professor of education at Utrecht University (Netherlands)

Sergiy Kurbatov, Institute of Higher Education National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

 PhD, Head of Department of Leadership and Institutional Development, Institute of Higher Education, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine and affiliated researcher, Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies, University of Uppsala, Sweden


Abstract views: 871



How to Cite

Wubbels, T., & Kurbatov, S. (2016). Quality of Higher Education and Current Researches in This Area: Interview of Sergiy Kurbatov with Theo Wubbels, Professor at the University of Utrecht (Netherlands), President of the European Association of Educational Researchers (EERA). Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 19(2), 133–139. https://doi.org/10.31874/2309-1606-2016-19-2-133-139






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