«Academic freedom means that you personally identify the problems, which you want to solve»

Interview by Professor Li BENNICH-BJÖRKMAN (University of Uppsala, Sweden), conducted by Sergiy Kurbatov


  • Sergiy Kurbatov


university, humanities and social sciences, academic freedom, doctoral programs, university management, symbolic power, system of values, person


Interview with Professor of the Department of Government, University of Uppsala (Sweden) Li Bennich-Björkman is devoted to the analyses of situation in contemporary humanities and social sciences, specific features of Swedish system of university education and the issue of academic freedom as an essential principle of university life. Professor Li Bennich-Björkman mentioned the dangerous consequences of shortening the number of students, who study humanities and social sciences, which could be resulted in general crisis of university system. The process of decreasing of quality of university education in Sweden during last years is also observed. This process is especially visible at small universities and colleges. Li Bennich-Björkman think that academic freedom is a key principle of university life, which helps university to maintain it’s main social functions. Also, Professor Bennich-Björkman characterized the advantages and disadvantages of Ukrainian system of university education. She mentioned the contradiction between a number of bright and intellectual university teachers and high level of bureaucratization in system of education, it’s hierarchical nature.


Abstract views: 603



How to Cite

Kurbatov, S. (2013). «Academic freedom means that you personally identify the problems, which you want to solve»: Interview by Professor Li BENNICH-BJÖRKMAN (University of Uppsala, Sweden), conducted by Sergiy Kurbatov. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 13(2). Retrieved from https://philosopheducation.com/index.php/philed/article/view/440






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