Posthumanist education: the limits of the freirean approach and the rise of object-oriented pedagogy




Object-Oriented Ontology, Bruno Latour, Graham Harman, Paulo Freire, Posthumanism


This essay aims to explore the impact of Object-Oriented Ontology (O.O.O) within the realm of pedagogy, critically examining its departure from humanistic and traditional paradigms. Simultaneously, it presents an alternative perspective on education that decenters the human as an inevitable ground. In a contrasting move, attention is directed towards Bruno Latour and Graham Harman, elucidating key facets of their ideas. This shift also signifies a departure from the conventional realm of “critical pedagogy”, as championed by Brazilian pedagogue Paulo Freire. However, it is crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the contributions and significance of Freire’s work. This essay adopts a left-wing stance, with no intention of launching moral attacks on Paulo Freire, as is sometimes witnessed when reactionaries and conservatives enter the academic arena. Criticisms within these pages focus on the content of Freire’s writings, tracing the trajectory from his seminal work, “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”, published in 1968, to his final piece, “Pedagogy of Autonomy” written in 1996. The aim is not to exhaust all arguments put forth by Freire but to engage with select ideas, since his oeuvre is extremely complex and full of different layers. It is essential to clarify that the critique presented here does not target the character of Paulo Freire but rather delves into some of the theoretical references behind the scenes, particularly the anthropocentrism associated with his ideas. Consequently, this essay emerges as an interdisciplinary endeavor, a conjunction between philosophy and social theory. What doors will this discussion open? What new field of possibilities awaits us? I invite you to dive into this debate, exploring the potential for an Object-Oriented Pedagogy (O.O.P) on the horizon.

Author Biography

Thiago Pinho, University Center Senai Cimatec (Bahia, Brazil)

PhD in Social Sciences (UFBA) with Doctoral Internship at UFPE, PhD at SCI-Arc (Los Angeles, USA, 2020). Professor at Senai Cimatec University Center, Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP). Researcher at the Group "Procedural Thought and Whiteheadian Studies in Latin America". Theater student, translator, writer and speaker in the areas of Ethics and Communication


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How to Cite

Pinho, T. (2024). Posthumanist education: the limits of the freirean approach and the rise of object-oriented pedagogy. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 29(2), 130–142.






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