The educational mission of the philosophy of education in the modern world




philosophy of education, enlightenment, scientific and educational enlightenment, ethical and humanistic enlightenment, intellect, morality


The work is dedicated to highlighting the modern educational mission of the philosophy of education in Ukraine, since education is a tool for building a civil society, and the philosophy of education is its methodological and educational reference point. The theoretical basis of the work is the function of the civilizational purpose of the philosophy of education: to become a specific methodology for the awakening of the “human in a person”, the education of an intellectual personality through education. The work defines the main educational directions in the field of philosophy of education: scientific-educational and ethical-humanistic. The scientific-educational direction is aimed at the formation of rational knowledge: the intellectual development of the individual and the increase of the intellectual potential of society. The scientific-educational direction is determined by the unions of scientists and teachers interested in the development of education and science of their country: here the philosophy of education must work with such categories-tools as knowledge, reason, common sense, thinking, understanding – and its educational mission is to develop educational paradigms that allow for the development of individual intelligence. The ethical-humanist direction involves work on the moral improvement of generations, which most actively occurs during education and upbringing (acquiring knowledge and intellectual development) and the formation of moral qualities of the individual – “what one should be in order to be a person”. The algorithm of human education is based on the main human virtues outlined by the entire world philosophy: wisdom, justice, courage, moderation. The conclusions speak of the need for new enlightenment in Ukrainian society, and the practical goal of philosophical and educational enlightenment is defined as helping modern people to become more civilized – educated and highly moral.

Author Biography

Halyna Berehova, Kherson National Technical University

Doctor of Philosophical Science, Professor, Department of General Educational Humanities and Natural Sciences


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How to Cite

Berehova, H. (2024). The educational mission of the philosophy of education in the modern world. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 29(2), 48–59.






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