Uncertainty as a global phenomenon and its manifestations in education





uncertainty, determinism, education, complexity, scientific picture of the world


The phenomenon of uncertainty is considered from a philosophical standpoint as a manifestation of existence, its attributive properties (determinism), as well as properties of knowledge (especially in education). The manifestation of the phenomenon of uncertainty is considered in relation to science education, where it manifests itself most vividly and explicitly. In this connection, the structure and evolution of the scientific picture of the world is discussed. Three main stages of its evolution are distinguished: classical, non-classical and modern. In the classical era, Laplacian determinism dominates, which loses its significance under the pressure of new facts and V. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, which has become the basis of quantum mechanics as a fundamental physical theory. At the third stage of evolution, the concept of determinism is further generalized and the phenomenon of uncertainty becomes a fully attributive characteristic of existence.

The role of definition as a logical procedure that reduces possible negativism due to the uncertainty of knowledge is discussed. The relationship between the concepts of uncertainty and complexity is considered; it is argued that complexity in some situations can be the basis of uncertainty.

The article presents specific examples of uncertainties in education (the situation of students’ acquaintance with new material; the selection of new literature in the library; residual factors of postmodernism, etc.). It is shown that uncertainties should not be considered as a reason for concern in education, that with minor refinement of successfully working educational models, these uncertainties can be overcome.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Ratnikov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph.D., Dr.Hab., Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Humanities;  Field of scientific interests: epistemology and philosophy of science, philosophy of technology, philosophy of education.


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How to Cite

Ratnikov, V. (2023). Uncertainty as a global phenomenon and its manifestations in education. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 29(1), 180–201. https://doi.org/10.31874/2309-1606-2023-29-1-10






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