The enduring relevance of philosophy in the education system. Part 1




education, philosophy, integration, synthesis, an integrated approach to education


The subject of this article are philosophical questions that arise in the process of philosophical reflection on some modern trends in education. At a number of points, these issues intersect with the problems of philosophy of education as a relatively independent philosophical discipline. The article analyzes the actualization of philosophy in modern higher and secondary education. The general reasons for this actualization are revealed (insufficient accuracy in dealing with philosophical concepts; low level of philosophical and methodological culture; the general cultural mission of philosophy is not yet properly understood), as well as some reasons related specifically to higher and secondary education. In both cases, this relevance is considered both by modern science and by reflection on it. Integration projects in education exacerbate the relevance in updating the modern system of secondary and higher education in Ukraine. First of all, it concerns the desire for a harmonious combination of knowledge and competence, the real integration of theoretical and practical components of learning. These positive traits become a serious factor that stimulates the cognitive activity of students and their motivation for research. In the united and contradictory process of knowledge development, integration is accompanied by differentiation, just as analytical activity in general is supplemented by synthetic in a single process of analytical-synthetic activity. At the same time, the underestimation of the analytical side of activity and excessive emphasis on its synthetic, integrative side is not a methodologically justified position, including because it is known from the history of scientific knowledge that a new object in the initial stages of its knowledge, first of all, try somehow dissect, analyze its parts, and only then make a complete picture of it, explain it and understand.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Ratnikov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Humanities


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How to Cite

Ratnikov, V. (2021). The enduring relevance of philosophy in the education system. Part 1. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 27(1), 154–170.






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