Philosophy of Engineering and Design Technological Actions: Rationality, Argumentation, Modelling




Philosophy of Engineering and Design Technological Actions, Design, Rationality, Argumentation, Modelling, Science, Technology, Agency, Methodology of Higher and Special Technical Education of Engineering and Design Technological Sciences


Philosophy of Engineering and Design (Technological) Actions is seen within the context of philosophical reflections about rationalizing, argumentation, modelling as specific particularities of scientific research actions (in fundamental natural sciences and engineering ones). Engineering is inseparable from design and technology (and vice versa: design relates to engineering and technology; technology – to engineering and design). For engineering both, is and ought relations; knowing that, knowing how, and knowing as mere direct experienced effective functioning, producing; world-to-mind and mind-to-world directions, – appear valid and relevant (in different degrees, in diverse contexts).

Engineering and Design Technological Sciences open new interesting methodological perspective for nowadays investigations. From the other side, Engineering and Design Technological Sciences challenge higher and special technical education; and might play the key role for its renovating, integrating into inter-, cross- and trans- disciplinary studies. Infrastructure of Philosophy of Engineering and Design Technological Actions could include Epistemology of Engineering; Ontology of Engineering; elaborations on methodology of measurement; Ethical, Socio-Political, Environmental Studies etc. Infrastructure of Philosophy of Engineering and Design Technological Actions could correspond to Engineering and Design Technological Sciences. Mentioned philosophical and specific scientific fields remain to be open for diverse elaborations and development.

Modelling as an appropriate within both science and engineering method is analyzed by involving into consideration topics of rationality and argumentation. Rationality is epistemically relevant for argumentation and modelling. Concepts of “frames” and “orientations” in argumentation are actual for interpreting rationality of actions; and in scientific modelling. Modelling itself could be seen as a special argumentative tool constructed on the rational background and opening rational understanding for scientific discovery and engineering design technological inventing.

Author Biography

Anna Laktionova, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Science (Philosophy), Professor of Department of Theoretical and Practical Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy;  Senior fellow at Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Cultures of Research”, RWTH Aachen University (Aachen, Germany);  Research interests: Philosophy of Engineering and Design Technological Actions, Philosophy of Action and Agency (Practical Philosophy), Analytic Philosophy of XX century, Epistemology, Moral Epistemology, Pragmatism in Contemporary Philosophy


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How to Cite

Laktionova, A. (2023). Philosophy of Engineering and Design Technological Actions: Rationality, Argumentation, Modelling. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 29(1), 125–140.






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