Implementing scientific education in the universities and attracting talented youth to science


  • Oleh Kubalskyi Dobrov Institute for Scientific and Technological Potential and Science History Studies of the NAS of Ukraine



talented youth, social turbulence, science, education, scientific education, STEM education, STEAM education, motivation for academic activity


Society needs young people with an open outlook, ready to act in non-stan­dard circumstances and create new algorithms for solving social problems, based on the latest scientific achievements. Science also constantly needs a timely change of scientific generations, acceptance by the new generation of a new vi­sion of tasks and opportunities of science. All this should be provided by scientific education, which brings young people closer to education already at the level of universities and even senior school classes. Properly organized scientific educa­tion ensures the proper quality of education of citizens, which allows them to adequately orient themselves and realize themselves in new circumstances ac­cording to the axiological matrix. In this context, high-quality scientific educa­tion, characterized by such parameters as a science-centric humanistic outlook, cognitive flexibility, personal creativity, and cognitive-humanistic creative inter­action between subjects, is the most relevant. The article examines demonstra­tive examples and defines the key areas of effective development of the so-called scientific education, STEAM-education. Despite the fact that the principles and methods of scientific education must be introduced at all stages of the acquisition of education by a modern person in the mode of lifelong education, it is precisely in universities that scientific education can be implemented most fully and give the best results: it is the talented youth who already have a sufficiently high level of scientific knowledge and skills of scientific research and at the same time has not yet become institutionally engaged, and therefore socially dependent, but on the contrary, is maximally open to the creation of new knowledge and new social institutions. Thus, scientific education appears not only as a new powerful factor of motivation for academic activity but also as a reliable way for young people to find their place in society and be the vanguard of overcoming the risks of modern social turbulence.

Author Biography

Oleh Kubalskyi, Dobrov Institute for Scientific and Technological Potential and Science History Studies of the NAS of Ukraine

PhD (Philosophy), associate professor, leading researcher


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Abstract views: 172



How to Cite

Kubalskyi, O. (2023). Implementing scientific education in the universities and attracting talented youth to science. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 28(2), 118–128.






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