Philosophy of business as cross-disciplinary educational component




philosophy of business, cross-disciplinary educational component, economic education, administrative law education, culturological education


The article presents structural-functional analysis for the socio-practical potential of such educational component as philosophy of business, as well as research the degree of its impact on evolution of strategic thinking abilities, progress of creative potential, values and attitudes of students. Therefore, in the text of the article is outlined the author’s structure of the analyzed educa­tional component, that is relevant for socio-economic sphere of contemporary Ukraine and, at the same time, one that will motivate younger generation to apply cross-disciplinary knowledge for improving the national business sphere and for making progress in economic culture of Ukrainian society in general. The structure of analyzed educational component must include: studying the philosophy of business problem field in the context of game theory; analysis of business ontological specifics as well as related risks and success criteria; de­scription the philosophical aspects of branding and business-leadership; analy­sis of such phenomena connection as capital, property and wealth; determining the basics of culture, ethics and social responsibility of business, its role in the structure of social institutions; and also studying of such instruments for strate­gic thinking evolution as theory of game Go and 36 ancient Chinese stratagems; and, finally, a detection of essential transformations for business-processes in conditions of digitalization and active artificial intelligence development. So we consider that socio-creative manifestations of that educational discipline should be analyzed, first of all, on three main levels: economic, administrative law and culturological. Article proves that in each of these professional educa­tional areas, philosophy of business, as separate educational component, pro­vides specific functional effects, significantly supplementing and improving cur­ricula with additional knowledge and competencies that increases preparation level of modern specialists, creates opportunities for their better understanding of business practical value for national and global economies.

Author Biography

Tetiana Hlushko, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor, Department of Philosophy


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Abstract views: 394



How to Cite

Hlushko, T. (2022). Philosophy of business as cross-disciplinary educational component. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 28(1), 184–196.






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