Education in virtual space of collective action in the conditions of pandemic of COVID-19: social-philosophical aspect




human, education, society, social group, virtualization, internet, social networks, social connections


It is proved that one of the tasks of modern education is the maximum use of information and communication technologies. After all, these technologies are one of the means that allows to realize the tasks of education in the conditions of pandemic and war. Due to these possibilities, modern education in most cases has moved from real classrooms to virtual ones. Virtual space creates possibilities for overcoming of temporal and spatial borders in the acquisition of knowledge, promotes the formation of social groups, within which there is an exchange and capture that or other information, knowledge. Features of the formation of col­lective action are considered. Attention is paid to the conditions with which the world met in the XXI century – COVID-19. The aim of this article is to analyse the peculiarities of the formation of collective action in cyberspace in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic based on a survey. The theoretical and methodological component consists of general and special methods and approaches: systemic and sociological. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced society to become virtual, most life processes have moved from real life to cyberspace, such as education, and people have become more able to communicate on social networks. However, the links that arise in the virtual space of social networks are weaker, and not always the expected collective action of the social group can justify itself from the standpoint of the number of participants or the goal, it is not always adequately transferred from the virtual world to the real. This is due to the fact that in the virtual world, social connections are built on a horizontal basis and do not involve vertical relationships. And such relations do not have the features of the forma­tion of collective action, which are inherent in the real, material world. The study surveyed respondents of different ages. The results of the survey showed that the basis for the formation of collective action, and identity in social networks are dominated by values and moral and ethical attitudes within the group, which determine the peculiarity of collective action and society in these real conditions and determine the development of society. After all, 58.5% of respondents clearly stated that the social networks in which they are members have an impact on them. That is, the social network under these conditions is almost the main fac­tor in the formation of personality and self. Displace attention on possibility of grant of educational services in the conditions of pandemic and war, using vir­tual space. Taking for basis philosophy of studies during life, it is shown that the virtual world gives equal possibilities all wishing to get education or additional knowledge regardless of age.

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Polishchuk, Khmelnytsky Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor, Vice- Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work

Olena Polishchuk, Khmelnytsky Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy

Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Department of Cultural Studies and Foreign Literature


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Abstract views: 273



How to Cite

Polishchuk, O., & Polishchuk, O. (2022). Education in virtual space of collective action in the conditions of pandemic of COVID-19: social-philosophical aspect. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 28(1), 159–171.






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