School Reforms and Educational Inequalities in Post-Communist Poland


  • Robert Pawlak Тhe Maria Grzegorzewska Academy for Special Education



education, educational reform, social inequalities, lower secondary schools, education policy, Poland


The paper is devoted to the presentation of the results of a study about stratification in the school system in Poland. The research was conducted in Krakow, the former capital of Poland, in 2011-2012. The data come from statistics on local education system, individual in-depth interviews with school masters and teachers from lower secondary schools as well as politicians representing the local government. Special attention was paid to school recruitment policies, unequal access to education for students from different backgrounds, and the local government strategy for education. As a result, three types of lower secondary schools were identified: 1) elite non-public schools; 2) the best public lower secondary schools and 3) schools for students from poor families, facing enormous problems and substantial educational needs. We concluded that the education policy of the local authorities of Krakow is not effective in terms of equalization of opportunities of the children and youth from socially neglected and marginalized  communities.

Author Biography

Robert Pawlak, Тhe Maria Grzegorzewska Academy for Special Education

PhD in Sociology, Assistant Professor at The Maria Grzegorzewska Academy for Special Education, Warsaw, Poland.


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How to Cite

Pawlak, R. (2016). School Reforms and Educational Inequalities in Post-Communist Poland. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 19(2), 189–205.






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