Review of the results of the round table "Metamorphoses of the center and periphery in the medical, gender and age dimensions of inclusion"

(Kharkiv National Medical University, May 28, 2020)


  • Maria Shcherbina Kharkiv National Medical University
  • Oleg Marushchenko Kharkiv National Medical University



inclusion, human rights, inclusive education, culture of inclusiveness, models of disability


On May 28, 2020 on the online platform of Kharkiv National Medical University in the framework of scientific and practical online conference with international participation "The problem of man in socio-humanitarian and medical discourses" successfully held a round table "Metamorphoses of the center and periphery in medical, gender and age dimensions inclusion". The focus was on the phenomenon of inclusion, in particular, with a projection on education. Inclusion was interpreted by the participants as broadly as possible – as the inclusion of any people and groups of people who are discriminated against and / or in need of certain mechanisms of adaptation in social life, as well as a theoretical model of interaction of all people in different spheres of society on the basis of equality of rights and opportunities. Attendees tried to give a nudge for an interpretation that goes beyond the traditional stereotypical identity of inclusion = disability and focused on the stereotypes that exist in education and medicine about transgender and homosexual people, people with disabilities, children with hearing impairments, children with SEN, etc. Inclusion is the recognition of the unique characteristics of each individual, the creation of a culture that seeks and strives to ensure equality of opportunities and at the same time accents and values ​​the differences. Medical universities are forming a new culture of inclusiveness, mutual respect and tolerance among future professionals, which, in turn, should affect the equality and democracy of society as a whole, and in particular non-discrimination, security of space, equal access to health care. The discussion also focused on the educational training of the medical community, but there were revealed also gaps in the legal field of Ukraine, the unrealized potential for the development of inclusive education in educational system in general. The existing models of disability in the society are considered: charitable, medical, social, human rights defending.

Author Biographies

Maria Shcherbina, Kharkiv National Medical University

PhD in Philosophy of Сulture, Associate Professor at the Philosophy Department; trainer at Gendermuseum, expert on anti-discrimination in education.

Oleg Marushchenko, Kharkiv National Medical University

associate professor of Philosophy Department; PhD on Sociology, docent. Director of NGO “Gender centre for information and analysis “KRONA”, member of Working group on gender and anti-discrimination problems of Ministry of Education And Science of Ukraine, certified expert on Antidiscrimination Expertize of Educational Content. Author of 112 published works, including (as co-author) “In Search of Gender Education” (2013), “Gender School Stories” (2012).


Abstract views: 396



How to Cite

Shcherbina, M., & Marushchenko, O. (2020). Review of the results of the round table "Metamorphoses of the center and periphery in the medical, gender and age dimensions of inclusion": (Kharkiv National Medical University, May 28, 2020). Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 26(1), 333–343.



Academic Life



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