Strategies for the development of humanities education in the age of technocratism and globalization


  • Nataliia Petruk Khmelnitsky National University



humanities education, humanities, philosophy, globalization, technocratism, consumer culture, humanities community, civic education


The article is devoted to the study of basic strategies for the development of humanities education in the technocratic and global world. It is stated that total pragmatism and technocratism of our lives causes a deep crisis of study of humanities and leads to the destruction of those human virtues that form the culture. The current state of humanities education and its prospects are assessed in terms of the need to shape the spiritual world of man, his intellectual and spiritual needs. The humanities are creating a socio-cultural space where a human is of the highest value, and culture itself is the embodiment of all the important meanings of human existence. The general tendency of development of the modern Ukrainian education is reduction of the general volume of the humanities taught in schools, colleges and universities. In the context of economic and pragmatic expediency in education, the impact of the humanities on society and public consciousness is distinctly diminished. The need for new strategies for the development of humanities education is justified by the need to enhance its role in society. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the purpose of the study of humanities is in the development of human potential and critical thinking, orientation to dialogue and free development of the individual, formation of the ability to outline the current moral and value imperatives, raising of the individual with an active civic position. By these qualities, the new model of humanitarian education differs from the old one, based on the acquisition of knowledge and the successful completion of standard tasks. It is also important to create an independent, non-conformist community of humanity scholars, which should show examples of high intellectual and spiritual culture, civic position and patriotism.

Author Biography

Nataliia Petruk, Khmelnitsky National University

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Political Science


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Abstract views: 532



How to Cite

Petruk, N. (2020). Strategies for the development of humanities education in the age of technocratism and globalization. Filosofiya Osvity. Philosophy of Education, 26(1), 54–67.






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